Found 13478 English as 2nd language tutors – page 531 of 1348.

Veronica B.

El Paso 79938 · $65/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar

I am also adept in teaching English, grammar and public speaking. I have also been successful in implementing vital skills for students in order to have a successful academic career such as, organization...

 is a certified tutor certified
Carolyn I.

Charlotte 28214 · $50/hour · teaches Elementary (K-6th) - Common Core

I've taught Reading and Language Art Skills and Strategies for more than 30 years. I've experienced and mastered the Core Essentials and Strategies for North Carolina Common Core System.

 is a certified tutor certified
Melissa K.

Tallahassee 32301 · $50/hour · teaches Proofreading

Saint Leo University, Psychology Saint Leo University, MBA I have previously worked at Tallahassee Community College in the Learning Commons as an English tutor. I love writing and reading...

 is a certified tutor certified
Bronson H.

Allen Park 48101 · $37/hour · teaches Spanish

Abroad I have instructed English courses utilizing ESL activities and rural tourism courses at a high school in Palmichal, Costa Rica. This past summer I served as a Program Coordinator/Teacher Intern for Cambio...

 is a certified tutor certified
Mayda S.

Tampa 33647 · $50/hour · teaches Spanish

...teaching Spanish as a first language from grades 7th through 12th. Looking to continue my strides to make this a better world through educating tomorrow’s leaders to transcend.

 is a certified tutor certified
Greg B.

Bridgton 04009 · $45/hour · teaches Grammar - English

Thomas College, English Columbia University, Masters University of Iowa Writers' Workshop, Masters I have taught English, Literature, Composition, and Creative Writing...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ruth R.

Robbinston 04671 · $25/hour · teaches Microsoft Excel - Music Theory

I studied Creative writing and English at Mohegan Community College while pursuing a Liberal Arts degree. I also had a semester at Trinity College, Hartford, CT in which the professor concentrated the English...

 is a certified tutor certified
Sara S.

Altoona 16601 · $40/hour · teaches English - Elementary Math - Elementary (K-6th)

Lock Haven University, ECED and Spec Ed My name is Sara. In December I will graduate from Lock Haven University with my certification in Early Childhood (prek-4) and Special Education.

 is a certified tutor certified

Eldon 65026 · $50/hour · teaches Writing - English - ESL/ESOL

Lincoln University, History'English Lincoln University, Masters I love seeing the light bulb go on for students when they discover that they are really their own best teachers - when...

 is a certified tutor certified
Danielle A.

Willits 95490 · $40/hour · teaches English - Art History - ACT English -

Although I enjoy tutoring grammar and English, I have always loved engaging in thought provoking tutoring sessions on analytical topics, such as literature, anthropological topics, etc.

 is a certified tutor certified