Found 11089 English tutors – page 453 of 1109.

Leah S.

Cincinnati 45206 · $40/hour · teaches English - ESL/ESOL - Government & Politics -

Bowling Green University and University of Cincinnati, Span., Ed. Soc. St. University of Cincinnati, MEd My name is Leah and whilst studying abroad in England, Spain and Mexico, I was able to travel...

 is a certified tutor certified
Joshua Z.

Salt Lake City 84120 · $75/hour · teaches English - ESL/ESOL - SAT Math - World History

Westminster College, CIS I am no longer tutoring full-time. This restricts my tutoring availability to evenings on weekdays, but I am still meeting with students. Priority will be given to my regulars...

 is a certified tutor certified
John D.

Warwick 02889 · $42/hour · teaches English - Psychology - SAT Reading - SAT Writing -

9 semesters at Rhode Island College, Psychology I'm John! I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and a minor in Sociology. My years of tutoring have included helping Providence College students with...

 is a certified tutor certified
David W.

Fredericksburg 22406 · $50/hour · teaches English - ESL/ESOL - Government & Politics -

Roberts Wesleyan College, Music Roberts Wesleyan College, MEd George Mason University, Enrolled I am currently a middle school math teacher with Fairfax County Public Schools...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jennifer C.

New York 10023 · $100/hour · teaches Geography - English - ESL/ESOL - Literature -

Salisbury University, Maryland, English,Philosophy Northeastern University, Boston, Masters Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, PhD A former professor of literature and writing and...

 is a certified tutor certified
Sara Z.

Los Angeles 90066 · $100/hour · teaches English - Italian

I'm originally from a town outside of Milan in the Emilia Romagna region and moved to England to study foreign languages, with an emphasis on English. Next I started working in the entertainment business.

 is a certified tutor certified
Yang X.

New York 10035 · $600/hour · teaches Writing - English - SAT Math - Literature -

English / reading / writing / SAT verbal and writing: I scored an 800 on the SAT verbal, the SAT II Writing, and the SAT II Literature tests. Even though I work in finance, I'm still an avid reader and love rereading...

 is a certified tutor certified
Nathaniel W.

Annandale 22003 · $36/hour · teaches English - World History - SAT Reading - SAT

Hamilton College, Anthropology Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Masters The University of Virginia Curry School of Education All classes complete 5/2015, Graduate Coursework A...

 is a certified tutor certified
Gregory L.

Minneapolis 55414 · $30/hour · teaches English - SAT Math - SAT Reading - SAT Writing -

Carleton College (Northfield, MN), undergrad My name is Greg. I am a graduate of Carleton College, where I received my degree in chemistry. I enjoy reading, writing, and tabletop gaming.

 is a certified tutor certified
Janet M.

Larchmont 10538 · $175/hour · teaches English - Government & Politics - Psychology -

Cal State, Northridge, Psychology Azusa Pacific University (MFT-Clinical Psychology), Masters IPEC Professional Coach, Other Hello, I have over twenty years of experience working with...

 is a certified tutor certified