Found 3865 environmental engineering tutors – page 50 of 387.

Timothy H.

Charlottesville 22903 · $80/hour · teaches Engineering - Civil Engineering

Tennessee Tech University, Civil Engineering Tennessee Tech University, Masters University of Southampton, PhD Hello, my name is Tim. As a third grader, my life was helped by...

 is a certified tutor certified
Adrita R.

Austin 78717 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Prealgebra - Precalculus -

(University of Texas at Austin, Electrical Engineer Hi, I'm Adrita! I am a freshman at UT Austin and am majoring in electrical and computer engineering. I took Algebra 1 and Geometry in middle school...

 is a certified tutor certified
Andrew P.

Brighton 02135 · $69/hour · teaches Mechanical Engineering

University of Pennsylvania, Mech Engineering University of Pennsylvania, Masters University of Pennsylvania, PhD I'm a very experienced and adaptable tutor.

 is a certified tutor certified
Kirsten C.

Missoula 59802 · $40/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Spanish - Writing -

I've taught and tutored people of all ages in areas such as Spanish and English language; and environmentalism, botany and ecology. I speak English as a first language and received 5's on the Advanced Placement exams...

 is a certified tutor certified
Francis I.

Houston 77046 · $60/hour · teaches Electrical Engineering

Texas Southern University, Electrical engineering University of Houston, Masters Hi, I’m Francis and if loving derivatives is wrong then I don’t want to be right.

 is a certified tutor certified
Derek E.

West Point 39773 · $75/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Series 66

University of Mississippi, Chemical Engineering Texas A&M University, PhD I have both a BS and PhD in chemical engineering. I have taught at the University level for over 11 years.

 is a certified tutor certified
Charbel H.

Morrisville 27560 · $80/hour · teaches Mechanical Engineering

Lebanese American Univeristy, Mechanical Eng Virginia Tech, PhD Hi! I’m Charbel, and I’m currently working as a research scientist in environment engineering.

 is a certified tutor certified
Javier P.

East Lyme 06333 · $70/hour · teaches Chemical Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering Hello! My name is Javier and I recently graduated from Georgia Tech with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and minors in Aerospace Engineering...

 is a certified tutor certified
Shadi E.

Seattle 98105 · $59/hour · teaches Engineering - Civil Engineering - Data

Tarbiat Modares University, Masters K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Other Hello, My name is Shadi, and I hold a Master's degree in civil engineering with emphasis on earthquake...

 is a certified tutor certified
Nehemiah S.

Warrior 35180 · $40/hour · teaches Engineering - Computer Engineering

UC San Diego, Electrical Eng. My name is Nehemiah, and I recently graduated from UC San Diego with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. During my time at UC San Diego, I delved deeply into computer...

 is a certified tutor certified