Found 288 tutors in Erie, CO 80516 – page 1 of 29.
Boulder 80301 · 9 miles from 80516 · $30/hour · teaches ACT, ADD-ADHD, Algebra, Algebra
Western Governors University - mathematics, education. Northeastern University - Electrical Engineering (long time ago). Won math awards in High School - best in graduating class.

Erie 80516 · 0 miles from downtown · $45/hour · teaches Microsoft Excel
State University of New York at Oswego, BS in Accounting State University of New York at Oswego, MBA Hi! I'm a licensed CPA in Colorado and have been a CPA since 2012.

Erie 80516 · 0 miles from downtown · $50/hour · teaches Chemistry
University of Peradeniya, Chemistry The University of Texas at Dallas, PhD Chemistry and natural sciences have been my favorite since I was a high schooler. I completed my BS in physical sciences...

Erie 80516 · 0 miles from downtown · $64/hour · teaches Python - Computer Science
Wichita State University, Computer Science Google Engineer, helping students in all things Technical. I have 10 years of Engineering experience (Software and Hardware). I have worked at Google for the past 3+ years...

Boulder 80301 · 9 miles from 80516 · $35/hour · teaches Baseball, Coaching, Computer
Bachelor of Science in Education K-6 elementary education Psychology Minor Reading Endorsement Over 20+ years experience My degree K-6 Elementary Education I currently Teach, Tutor and Coach Online for 5 years.

Lafayette 80026 · 6 miles from 80516 · $145/hour · teaches Special Needs - Business -
Elmira College, Early Child Speech Emerson/Boston College, Graduate Coursework University of Santa Monica, Masters Professional Business Support- (Communication Coaching...

Lafayette 80026 · 6 miles from 80516 · $50/hour · teaches Calculus - Physics -
Nanjing University, Physics University of Colorado Boulder, PhD I am an experienced physics tutor based in Boulder, CO, and I’m looking to expand my services to an online platform.

Lafayette 80026 · 6 miles from 80516 · $80/hour · teaches Statistics - Geography - SPSS
University of Colorado, Denver, Political science University of Colorado, Health Sciences Center, Masters University of Colorado, Health Sciences Center, PhD My favorite part of my...

Lafayette 80026 · 6 miles from 80516 · $65/hour · teaches Biology - Physical Science -
SUNY Buffalo, undergrad Oxford University, Masters University Massachusetts, Masters As a multi, state-certified middle through high school Science teacher I have many years of...

Lafayette 80026 · 6 miles from 80516 · $40/hour · teaches Archaeology
University of Colorado, Boulder, History I am a returned Peace Corps Education Volunteer and current Bioarchaeology Intern at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. I am from Colorado, and graduated from...