Found 652 film tutors – page 9 of 66.

James E.

Nampa 83687 · $65/hour · teaches Video Production - Film

I've been making films for many years, starting out around eight years old. My training is as a Director and Cinematographer, yet I'm a certified Level II editor in Final Cut, and also am an avid screenwriter...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ariana B.

Los Angeles 90017 · $150/hour · teaches Video Production - Film

...Film Production. My SAT score was in the 98th percentile (of which my writing portion was in the 99th percentile). I offer support in a wide range of writing subjects (personal essays for college admission...

 is a certified tutor certified
Wytessa O.

Texas City 77590 · $30/hour · teaches Art History

Once I completed that two year program, I changed my major to film studying for an additional four years and obtaining my degree in film. While in college, two of my films screened at the Brooklyn Academy of...

 is a certified tutor certified
Paul B.

Santa Monica 90403 · $150/hour · teaches Video Production - Film

University of California, Berkeley, English Oxford University, Masters Hi, I’m Paul—a professional writer, director, and producer with over 35 years of experience in film, television, and theater.

 is a certified tutor certified
Kaitlyn C.

Brooklyn 11206 · $50/hour · teaches English - Film

Florida State University, Film Production Hello! I am originally from Tampa, FL and have lived in NYC for a little over three years. I graduated from an International Baccalaureate high school with a 6.29 weighted...

 is a certified tutor certified
Carolyna M.

Orlando 32803 · $40/hour · teaches Animation

...Masters I have been passionate about the artistry that goes into both film and video games from a very young age. I would spend most of my time drawing and making characters either in my sketchbook or...

 is a certified tutor certified
Emmanuel K. · Masters in English Literature

Culver City 90230 · $80/hour · teaches Essay, Film, Fine Arts, Grammar, Greek, Home

It is exciting to see people learning new skills and it is wonderful to see the progress in their faces when they understand new concepts in so many different subjects. Few words about me..

 is a certified tutorGreen Apple award Green Apple award, certified, member for 7 years and 12 months
Edward O.

New Haven 06511 · $75/hour · teaches SAT Writing - Film

from UCLA Film School. I studied screenwriting there. I taught college for over a decade, including graduate and undergraduate courses at USC Film School. And I've taught screenwriting online. I write &

 is a certified tutor certified
Josh P.

Los Angeles 90041 · $85/hour · teaches Writing - Film

Connecticut College, Film Do you have an idea for a screenplay but aren't sure where to start? Do you have a draft but need help honing it? Some writing experience? No writing experience? A place to start?

 is a certified tutor certified
Ryan B.

Pittsburgh 15237 · $50/hour · teaches Video Production - Film

B.A. Penn State, Film I graduated from Penn State with a BA in Film/Video production in 2010. I'm also very passionate about theatre and have been acting professionally since graduation, including...

 is a certified tutor certified