Found 7199 grammar tutors – page 139 of 720.

Cynthia B.

Tucson 85750 · $50/hour · teaches Grammar - Spanish - Writing - English - Proofreading

My English writing and speaking skills are excellent also, since proofing, clear grammar, syntax, punctuation, and public speaking abilities are important in all languages. I have taught college Spanish...

 is a certified tutor certified
Margaret L.

Salem 97301 · $45/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Microsoft Word - Reading -

...(grammar and composition) I am proficient in methods for teaching reading, writing, listening, speaking, conversation, pronunciation, grammar, and American culture and idioms.

 is a certified tutor certified
Nan S.

Novato 94947 · $100/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - General Computer - Geometry -

R.I.T., Marketing -Bachelor graduated B.S. in education in 1990, EdD Dominican University of California, Graduate Coursework I have been a tutor for over a decade working with...

 is a certified tutor certified
Daniel M.

Los Angeles 90057 · $35/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - English -

Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, Philosophy Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, PhD Gregorian University Rome, Italy, Masters I was educated in Scotland and received Bachelor's...

 is a certified tutor certified
Susan J.

Pine Mountain 31822 · $25/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Latin - Reading -

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Latin University of Washington, Masters University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Graduate Coursework Latin Students and Parents of Latin...

 is a certified tutor certified
Rebecca P.

Houston 77007 · $130/hour · teaches Spanish - English - ESL/ESOL - Business - Marketing

...speaking and listening paying particular attention to clients' needs regarding grammar, usage, vocabulary and cultural nuance. In addition, my experience in music and stage performance, higher education...

 is a certified tutor certified
Courtney L.

Fort Myers 33919 · $50/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - European History - French

Southern Illinois University, French and Spanish Southern Illinois University, MBA Southern Illinois University, Masters I currently teach English as a Second Language, French...

 is a certified tutor certified
Justina M.

New York 10010 · $100/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Spanish - Writing

The Boston Conservatory of Music, undergrad Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Other I work specifically with teaching students how to become better, more efficient, active readers.

 is a certified tutor certified
Patricia B.

Gainesville 30504 · $80/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - English -

University of Fl., Elementary Education University of Florida, Masters I'm a Learning Specialist for primary aged students with extensive skills in teaching students who learn differently.

 is a certified tutor certified
Sharon S.

Monrovia 91016 · $85/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Microsoft Excel - European

Westmont College, Psychology Azusa Pacific University, Masters Hello there! I am an experienced teacher, editor, and writer who has a love for learning. As an undergraduate, I graduated magna cum...

 is a certified tutor certified