Found 7199 grammar tutors – page 462 of 720.

Adonista B.

Lawnside 08045 · $55/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading - Writing - English - Literature

Howard University, Legal and Mgmt Comm Columbia University, Enrolled I am currently a candidate for a Master's degree in Information & Knowledge Strategy at Columbia University, anticipated...

 is a certified tutor certified
Elizabet T.

Memphis 38104 · $50/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading - Writing - Literature - SAT

I work with students to improve grammar and writing skills. These skills include essay, research, and creative writing. I also work with students on college essay writing to help them begin the process and with...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kimberly S.

Roseville 95747 · $60/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - General Computer -

...and grammar. My philosophy is to use hands-on learning, as most children learn by seeing and doing, and to support the whole child's social-emotional development. Reading has always been a passion of mine.

 is a certified tutor certified
Jacob C.

Ojai 93023 · $125/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - European History - Reading -

Yale University, History I tell all my students that their education is a life-long journey, not just a four-year trip through high school. As an experienced classroom teacher on the college committee at...

 is a certified tutor certified
Michael B. D.

San Antonio 78249 · $50/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - European History -

University of Texas at Austin, history University of Texas at San Antonio, Masters University of Iowa, PhD With a PhD in History and over 20 years of teaching experience...

 is a certified tutor certified

Concord 94518 · $45/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Writing - English -

California State University, Hayward, British and American Literature BRANDMAN UNIVERSITY, Graduate Coursework My Single Subject Teaching Credential is in English, and I have a B.A. in British &

 is a certified tutor certified
Carol D.

Flushing 48433 · $45/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - General Computer - Microsoft

Texas Woman's University, B.S. in Education Texas A&M Commerce Campus, MEd Hello there! I am a retired teacher with over 35 years experience, and still loving when that light goes on in...

 is a certified tutor certified
Michaela B.

New Holland 17557 · $50/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading - Elementary Math - Elementary

Millersville University, Early and Special Ed I graduated Millersville University with a degree in Early Elementary (Pre-k through 4th) and Special Educations (Pre-k through 8th grade) and an endorsement...

 is a certified tutor certified
Sharon J.

New Orleans 70114 · $60/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - ESL/ESOL -

University of Delaware, elementary and special education Central Connecticut State University, Masters I have taught in public schools and tutored individual students for over 15 years.

 is a certified tutor certified
Mike W.

Washington 20011 · $40/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Geometry - Microsoft Word

St. Mary's College of Maryland, Physics, Math I have worked as a software engineer for 10 years, but I'm currently pursuing part-time work at an ice cream shop and here. I have tutored as a volunteer for...

 is a certified tutor certified