Found 220 Greek tutors – page 8 of 22.

Kevin H.

Indianapolis 46225 · $40/hour · teaches Study Skills - Greek - Social Studies -

I have also had several years of Ancient Greek. In graduate school I had to be able to read German and French, although I didn't go deeply into these languages. I took the AP English exam in high school...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kevin O.

Boston 02115 · $89/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Latin - Proofreading - ISEE

Boston University, Ancient Greek and Latin UMass Boston, Masters With over fourteen years experience teaching Latin, my passion for the material and my students’ growth drive my work.

 is a certified tutor certified
Veronika P. · Bachelor in Modern Greek Language

New York 10032 · $40/hour · teaches Czech, Greek

Veronika specializes in Czech and Greek. She lives in New York, NY. Feel free to contact Veronika through the form on your left.

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 8 years and 10 months
Diana W.

Haymarket 20169 · $125/hour · teaches Proofreading - Greek - Classics

Latin, Ancient Greek, ancient history and literature) and philosophy from Swarthmore College, where I graduated with highest honors and Phi Beta Kappa. I received an M.A. in Classics from the University of Chicago...

 is a certified tutor certified
Nathanael K.

Evansville 47725 · $75/hour · teaches Russian - Greek

University of Evansville, Classics Hello, my name is Nathanael Kuechenberg. I am currently 27 years old and have a BA in Classics from the University of Evansville. I have been teaching Classical Greek...

 is a certified tutor certified
Zachary M.

Scottsdale 85259 · $80/hour · teaches Spanish - Greek - Classics

I have eleven years of background in studying Spanish, academic specialization and experience in teaching Latin, and a year of academic study of Greek. I have taught elementary school grammar (3rd grade)...

 is a certified tutor certified
Peter C.

Madison 06443 · $60/hour · teaches Latin - Greek

Univ. Wyoming, Latin Univ. Colorado Boulder, Masters Univ. Colorado Boulder, PhD Most people don't notice it, but the world we live in is still very much a Greek and Roman world.

 is a certified tutor certified
Lydia C.

Belmont 02478 · $60/hour · teaches French - Greek

...and also French or Greek. I have been teaching the science disciplines since 2007 in High school, college and certificate program settings. I have been teaching French since I was a college student.

 is a certified tutor certified
Ivy J.

Arlington 02474 · $45/hour · teaches Latin - Writing - Literature - Geology -

I have practical experience with subjects in archaeology and geosciences, and I have experience with Latin and Attic Greek as a classical studies major and editor of the Dickinson College Commentaries (DCC).

 is a certified tutor certified
Frank S.

Columbia 29209 · $235/hour · teaches JavaScript - Greek - Sign Language - Speech -

I am either certified or proficient in the following areas: AP Lang & Comp, AP Lit, Reading, Writing, Public Speaking, Speech, ASL, Koine Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Aramaic, Syriac, and Latin.

 is a certified tutor certified