Found 1440 tutors in Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 – page 63 of 144.
Los Angeles 90020 · 20 miles from 91745 · $120/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
University of California, Berkeley, Mathematics Hi there, I'm Sadekin! I graduated with distinction from UC Berkeley with a degree in mathematics. If it weren't for a few kind and passionate professors who went above...

Santa Ana 92705 · 20 miles from 91745 · $95/hour · teaches Microsoft Excel - Finance -
UW-Whitewater, Accounting Accounting, CPA, Other DeFi Specialist, Other I am a CPA with a BBA in accounting. Graduating in 2019, I have experienced many new opportunities...

Los Angeles 90020 · 20 miles from 91745 · $70/hour · teaches Government & Politics -
Loyola Marymount University, Government University of Cambridge, Masters Cornell University, PhD I am dedicated to helping students meet and excel in their academic goals...

Los Angeles 90005 · 20 miles from 91745 · $150/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar -
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, Finance University of California, Los Angeles, Other University of Arkansas Grantham University, Masters I studied Finance at Wharton School...

Santa Ana 92704 · 20 miles from 91745 · $60/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
UCI, Math UCLA, Masters I have a Masters Degree in Math from UCLA, BS in Math from UCI with minor in Computer Science, GPA: 3.928 Magna Cum Laude, and an Honors in Mathematics.

Los Angeles 90004 · 20 miles from 91745 · $54/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
Universitat Leipzig, Physics Universitat Leipzig, Masters UCLA, Other I started studying computer science at UCLA, but decided to follow physics. In order to get the best physics...

Los Angeles 90020 · 20 miles from 91745 · $60/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
University of California Los Angeles, Chemistry University of California Los Angeles, Masters University of California Berkeley, Graduate Coursework Hi!

Los Angeles 90004 · 20 miles from 91745 · $55/hour · teaches SAT Writing - ACT English -
Evergreen State College, English Literature The Iowa Writers' Workshop, Masters Clear writing is clear thinking. Let me help you tell the stories that only you can tell in lucid...

Los Angeles 90027 · 20 miles from 91745 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
California State University, Long Beach, Biochemistry California State University, Long Beach, Masters Hi, I'm Vernon! I graduated with a Master's degree in Biochemistry.

Long Beach 90802 · 20 miles from 91745 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
UCLA, Physics M.S. CSULB, Masters I am a Physics M.S. graduate from CSULB with a B.S. in Physics from UCLA! I have experience TAing college level physics and astronomy and am therefore very...