Found 17 harp tutors – page 2 of 2.

Sirah J.

Boston 02203 · $56/hour · teaches Needlework - Harp

University of Wisconsin Green Bay, French Communication Note: I'm based in Boston. I am happy to accept online students from anywhere, but for sewing, cooking, and music lessons, online learning is often more difficult.

 is a certified tutor certified
Gianni C.

Houston 77005 · $45/hour · teaches Elementary Math - Harp

(attending) Rice University, Economics Hi Everybody! I'm a current student at Rice University double-majoring in Economics and Sports Management and minoring in Entrepreneurship. I have been tutoring for over four...

 is a certified tutor certified
Andrew B.

Austin 78757 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - American History - Chemistry -

Additionally, I try as hard as I can to find the *real source of confusion* rather than harping on surface level understanding of a new topic, e.g. You can't multiply exponents without knowing what an exponent is...

 is a certified tutor certified
Samantha K.

New York 10028 · $140/hour · teaches Biology - Grammar - Study Skills - Psychology -

...and played the harp in an orchestra. You may ask how do I get everything done and maintain my A average as a Pre-Medical student? Needless to say, my planner is my best friend and time management is my middle name.

 is a certified tutor certified
Sarah C.

Auburn 98092 · $50/hour · teaches Common Core - Harp

Patrick Henry College, Government Northwest University, Masters Experience: 2020 Graduate, Masters in Teaching, Northwest University. Certifications: Elementary Education, English Language Arts...

 is a certified tutor certified
Maia D.

Winchester 01890 · $50/hour · teaches Social Studies - Harp

B.A., University of Chicago (Class of 2023), Medieval Studies Hello! My name is Maia, and I am a recent graduate of the University of Chicago, where I graduated magna cum laude. I double-majored in Medieval Studies...

 is a certified tutor certified
Austin G.

New York 10027 · $59/hour · teaches Spanish - ESL/ESOL

Most harp on the fact that memorization is not the most important part to learning a language, that you can learn by conversation instead. However, if you never memorize the verb conjugation patterns in...

 is a certified tutor certified