Found 5193 history tutors – page 104 of 520.
Greeley 80634 · $40/hour · teaches History - Geography - World History - Social
Bowling Green State University, Geography Western Michigan University, Masters I majored in geography and minored in history while in college. My masters degree is in geography and I am GIS certified.

Brentwood 37027 · $55/hour · teaches Writing - Study Skills - Career Development
SUNY College at Purchase, History Arizona State University, Masters Howard University, Enrolled I am currently a doctoral student working on my dissertation in the School of Social...

Schofield 54476 · $40/hour · teaches History - European History - Government &
If you are having difficulty in understanding key concepts or events in history, government or a related subject area, or if you need help with writing a paper, taking notes and other organizational issues please...

Ann Arbor 48103 · $50/hour · teaches History - Vocabulary - Grammar - European
Connecticut College, English and Theater University of Michigan, Masters Hi. My name is Katherine. Are you looking for a tutor with lots of experience and plenty of patience?

Santa Monica 90404 · $250/hour · teaches History - Vocabulary - Grammar - European
I tutored in English, writing, social studies and history. I have helped students go from failing grades to As and Bs through learning and appreciating books and the subject matter.

Winter Park 32789 · $185/hour · teaches History - Vocabulary - European History
My Political Science major involved a heavy emphasis on both ancient and modern history and political philosophy, along with the usual curriculum relating to Political Science itself.

Milwaukee 53211 · $60/hour · teaches American History - Vocabulary - Reading
History is my favorite subject! I love learning about history and am always looking for opportunities to do so. Fun fact, I challenge myself and try to keep a track record of important dates in history as best I can.

Waynesville 65583 · $35/hour · teaches History - Biology - Calculus - Chemistry -
History buff who took and aced Honors World and American history in college as well as previously in high school. I am the person you can trust to be as knowledgeable as any tutor you can find, and for some courses...

Columbia 29201 · $100/hour · teaches Writing - ESL/ESOL - Proofreading - SAT Writing -
Davidson College, Honors in History College of William and Mary - Williamsburg, VA, PhD If you want superb writing or editing, I am the person to turn to. I graduated magna cum laude from Davidson...

Rock Creek 44084 · $40/hour · teaches World History
I have a passion for teaching Social Studies and history. I have had the opportunity through the military to visit many of the places I get to teach about. I think the important thing to remember when teaching history...