Found 109 HSPT tutors – page 1 of 11.

Matthew H. · Bachelor degree

Cleveland 44114 · $120/hour · teaches OAR, HSPT, TACHS, COOP, NMSQT, AFQT, TOEIC, AFOQT

Horwich My subjects include: Standardized Tests: ACT, SAT, GMAT, GRE, ISEE, HSPT, TACHS, COOP, PSAT, NMSQT, ASVAB, AFQT, ASTB, OAR, GED, TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, TEAS, HESI Mathematics: algebra I and II, geometry...

Red Apple award Red Apple award, member for 12 years and 1 month
Jennifer Y. · Masters in Education

Palm Harbor 34683 · $55/hour · teaches 2, HSPT, COOP, AFQT, PAX

I am committed to helping learners of all ages to grow! I... * have been a full-time tutor for four years, helping students (from pre-school to adult) in all academic areas and test-prep.

 is a certified tutorRed Apple award Red Apple award, certified, member for 15 years and 3 months
Scott C. · Masters in Religious Studies And English

Portland 97205 · $150/hour · teaches Discrete Math, Hspt

BA, University of Virginia; MA, Yale University. North Avenue Education is an educational solutions firm offering customized tutoring and test preparation. We specialize in one-on-one sessions to prepare your student...

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 12 years and 2 months
Jenn B.

Chicago 60604 · $45/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Study Skills -

SAT/ACT/PSAT/SSAT/HSPT and most other tests. I enjoy helping students learn new skills and provide enrichment so that they can excel academically. I have many pleased parents and over the years have formed close...

 is a certified tutor certified
Glen M.

Baltimore 21215 · $55/hour · teaches COOP/HSPT - Common Core

...HSPT, and ASVAB preparation sessions, as well as general Language Arts and basic mathematics tutoring with elementary- and middle school-age students. Huntington has also afforded me the chance to design...

 is a certified tutor certified
Damilola A.

Bethesda 20814 · $50/hour · teaches COOP/HSPT

I've collaborated with schools, aiding middle school students with the HSPT exam and conducting SAT prep for high school students in large classroom settings. In individual tutoring, I've assisted students in Algebra...

 is a certified tutor certified
Izzy E.

Northridge 91325 · $75/hour · teaches COOP/HSPT - Desktop Publishing - ISEE - Microsoft students studying for exams of competence such as the HSPT, ISEE, ASVAB, CBEST, GRE and CSET. I absolutely guarantee a minimum of a 20% increase in your knowledge of any subject you select or first-time...

 is a certified tutor certified
Carol Anne S.

Tarzana 91356 · $75/hour · teaches COOP/HSPT - ISEE - ACT Reading - ACT English - ACT

...HSPT, ISEE, and COOP tests. I work with students ranging from 4 years of age (pre-K preparation) through college (English and Spanish skills primarily for college students).

 is a certified tutor certified
Sheryl L.

Brooklyn 11203 · $80/hour · teaches COOP/HSPT - Regents - Homeschool

...HSPT, HiSET, MCAP, and MCAS. I am knowledgeable about IEPs and have provided general tutoring and homework help to students in: 2nd and 3rd Grade (ELA, Math, Homeschool), 4th Grade (ELA, Math, Science, Grammar...

 is a certified tutor certified
Stu M.

Astoria 11102 · $220/hour · teaches COOP/HSPT - ISEE - Regents

In addition to college test prep, I frequently work with students on application essay writing, coursework, common core, PSAT, ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, ERB, SHSAT, COOP, TACHS, Regis, Hunter College High School Test...

 is a certified tutor certified