Found 358 ISEE tutors – page 2 of 36.

Enuma I.

Los Angeles 90012 · $199/hour · teaches Prealgebra - ISEE

Haverford College, English Literature Brooklyn College of Education, Masters Harvard Graduate School of Education, Masters Hello! I am an accomplished ISEE...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ian Y.

Newport Beach 92663 · $130/hour · teaches CBEST - ISEE - Common Core

I regularly teach Chemistry/AP Chemistry, SAT and ACT Prep, GMAT Prep, Spanish, SSAT, ISEE, CBEST, Algebra, Geometry, Trig, Pre-Calculus, Econ, and Essay Writing. What results have my students had over the last 20 years?

 is a certified tutor certified
Joshua T.

Houston 77005 · $70/hour · teaches Elementary Science - ISEE - Mathematica

My past students have experienced huge gains, going from 2/3s on the ISEE to 6/7/8s within a few months. My students focusing on the SAT/APs had similar improvements. While these improvements did require...

 is a certified tutor certified
Angela A.

Wynnewood 19096 · $110/hour · teaches Desktop Publishing - ISEE - Praxis - Microsoft

My superior strategies have led to consistent student improvement on the SAT, ACT, GRE, SSAT, and ISEE. In fact, my students have been accepted to some of the finest colleges and universities in the United States...

 is a certified tutor certified
Joanie M.

Bellaire 77401 · $40/hour · teaches ACT English - ISEE

I help students ages 10 to adult with test prep for the SSAT, ISEE, ACT, and more, as well as writing, editing, proofreading, and conversation support. I hold a teaching certificate, a Bachelor's of Science...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kelly C.

Miami Beach 33139 · $500/hour · teaches Elementary Math - ISEE - Common Core

I have worked thousands of hours preparing literally hundreds of students for the ISEE or SSAT, so these exams--at all three levels--are my expert areas. I have been a classroom teacher in middle schools in the US...

 is a certified tutor certified
Esther H.

San Gabriel 91776 · $130/hour · teaches th) - ISEE - Common Core - Project Management

I also help with essay writing and I have helped students in the Los Angeles area since 2012 with the ISEE and SSAT exams to get into private K-12 schools. I have helped many students with ACT and SAT exams which...

 is a certified tutor certified
Patricia T.

Boston 02116 · $100/hour · teaches ADHD - ISEE

Hofstra University, Psychology Hunter College, Masters I have been teaching Algebra, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, ISEE, SSAT, PSAT, GED, SHSAT, HSPT, SAT and ACT Prep for almost 20 years.

 is a certified tutor certified
Carol J.

Hastings On Hudson 10706 · $200/hour · teaches ACT English - ISEE

I also teach students strategies to boost their SAT, ACT, ISEE, and SHSAT test scores, and to improve their ELA skills to excel in school reading and writing assignments. I believe the key to success is...

 is a certified tutor certified
David Abrams D. · Bachelor in Business Administration

Elmont 11003 · $25/hour · teaches GRE, ISEE, Math, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel

I've been tutoring, privately as well as for a tutoring company, for over 10 years. During my tenure in college, I always made the Dean's List and was a member of the Nationwide Dean's List.

Green Apple award Green Apple award, member for 12 years and 1 month