Found 358 ISEE tutors – page 9 of 36.

Patrick S.

Painesville 44077 · $65/hour · teaches ACT English - ISEE - Praxis - Regents

I am solid in SSAT and ISEE including math, but really focus on verbal. I have edited master's theses in MLA and APA formats as well as numerous other graduate level papers in the areas of nursing, engineering...

 is a certified tutor certified
Monique L.

Dallas 75205 · teaches Internet, ISEE, Korean, Latin, Law, LSAT, Math, Microsoft Excel

Test Prep programs include ACT, SAT, ISEE, ASVAB, GED, and many others! We have online diagnostics to help determine areas of greatest concentration. This is a FREE service without further obligation. Try it.

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 9 years and 8 months
Brooke H.

Los Angeles 90024 · $495/hour · teaches COOP/HSPT - ISEE - Linear Algebra - Logic -

I also teach other subjects as listed on my profile (from ISEE, SSAT, and SHSAT to MCAT reading (CARS)). Most students work with me online. I tutor in person in my Westwood office (90024), but do not offer "in home"...

 is a certified tutor certified
Mary Beth B.

Alstead 03602 · $70/hour · teaches ACT Math - ISEE - Praxis - Regents - MTLE - Common

I'm also experienced in teaching home-schooled students, as well as tutoring for test prep such as the ISEE, SSAT, PSAT, SAT, ACT, Praxis, MCAT, GED, and GRE. Over the years, I've helped many students improve their...

 is a certified tutor certified
Andrew S.

New York 10023 · $200/hour · teaches Elementary Math - ISEE

Since then, I have taught ESL in Spain and New York, and tutored students for the ACT, SAT, PSAT, SSAT, ISEE, SHSAT, and GRE, as well as the AP exams in US History and Literature, and the SAT Subject Tests...

 is a certified tutor certified
Diane S.

Danbury 06810 · $95/hour · teaches COOP/HSPT - ISEE - Praxis - Regents - TEAS - AFOQT -

Test prep includes math/science portions of SAT, ACT, ISEE, SSAT, Praxis, GRE, TEAS, ASVAB, GED and more. My goal is to connect with the student at THEIR level. We start by going over the fundamentals of the subject...

 is a certified tutor certified
Marlene B.

Staten Island 10306 · $60/hour · teaches Study Skills - ISEE - Common Core -

I have also tutored many students online in common core subjects and preparing students for several different exams, including, ISEE upper and lower level, regents and several entrance exams as well as their local...

 is a certified tutor certified
Anna D.

New York 10038 · $100/hour · teaches Dyslexia - ISEE - Handwriting

I also provide test preparation for the ISEE, TACHS, COOP, HSPT, and SSAT. This would include a diagnostic exam, in depth sessions for verbal and math sessions and practice exams.

 is a certified tutor certified
Jen W.

San Antonio 78209 · $60/hour · teaches ACT Reading - ISEE

...guided dozens of students to improve their ISEE and SSAT scores, and developed a comprehensive 15-hour SAT/PSAT course to help students navigate and succeed in the digital format.

 is a certified tutor certified
Mariana S.

Indianapolis 46217 · $304/hour · teaches Dyslexia - ISEE - Praxis - Handwriting -

I specialize in test preparation (SAT, ACT, PRAXIS, SSAT, ISEE, GRE...) and editing (college, application, research, dissertation papers). I have been full-time tutoring for over two decades.

 is a certified tutor certified