Found 145 Italian tutors – page 11 of 15.

Moriah L.

West Covina 91791 · $60/hour · teaches Music Theory - Ear Training - Voice (Music)

My approach to all commercial vocal practice is derived from classical traditions, mainly from the Swedish-Italian school of vocal production. While that may sound daunting, I assure you I teach these concepts in...

 is a certified tutor certified
Radomir S.

East Palatka 32131 · $25/hour · teaches Spanish - Italian - Russian

I am fluent in Czech, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Slovak, and Russian an am able to teach from English or any of these languages to any of the others in speech, writing, or reading.

 is a certified tutor certified
Nick T.

Denver 80230 · $50/hour · teaches World History - Italian - TOEFL - Social Studies

University of North Wales, UK, French Italian University of Denver, Masters I am originally from the UK and have been working for a few years now in the English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) field.

 is a certified tutor certified
Emily H.

Conway 72034 · $25/hour · teaches Spanish - Italian

Currently I work as an online translator for German and Italian. I was on the way to become certified to teach German in Berlin ´s official language schools before the pandemic, but it is still a plan in the works!

 is a certified tutor certified

Milwaukee 53211 · $40/hour · teaches American History - Grammar - Geography - English -

I have studied Polish, French, Spanish and Italian throughout high school and as an undergrad at university. I found having background knowledge of various languages can be beneficial while working with students;

 is a certified tutor certified
Edward S.

Okemos 48864 · $60/hour · teaches Music Theory - Piano

Having worked and studied in Italy (Bologna, Bolzano) for 2 1/2 years, I am fluent in written and spoken Italian. I studied at the Berlitz School in Italy, I did translations (Italian...

 is a certified tutor certified
Patrizia M.

Webster 14580 · $50/hour · teaches English - Italian - Proofreading

(SUNY) University at Buffalo, Masters Universita' degli studi di Urbino, Italy, J.D. My name is Patrizia. I'm an Italian Attorney. I moved to Rochester NY in 2013 and I attended Nazareth College.

 is a certified tutor certified
Ernesto D.

Hagerstown 21740 · $60/hour · teaches Literature - Italian

Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome, Italy), Philosophy Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome, Italy), Masters Pontifical Atheneum Regina Apostolorum (Rome, Italy), Masters ...

 is a certified tutor certified
Juliet M.

Glendale 91207 · $50/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Spanish - Writing - Proofreading -

I also speak fluent Italian and enjoy very much International. I have worked in Marketing for years and have both practical and Academic experience (MBA). I am experienced but not stuffy- I am fun and also very...

 is a certified tutor certified
Claudio D.

Christiansburg 24073 · $35/hour · teaches Government & Politics - Italian -

I also teach Italian to native English speakers and English to Italians. DOCTORAL AND MASTER’S I can read your entire thesis/dissertation and: (1) provide feedback on content, argument strength...

 is a certified tutor certified