Found 25 tutors in Jacksonville, TX 75766 – page 3 of 3.
Tyler 75701 · 25 miles from 75766 · $36/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Vocabulary - Grammar
BELHAVEN COLLEGE, elementary education Reformed Theological Seminary, Masters I am a teacher of 35 years and the mother of five grown children. Both my undergraduate and Master's degrees are...
certifiedTyler 75701 · 25 miles from 75766 · $40/hour · teaches Anatomy - Pharmacology
(2005) Bachelor in Science Business Administration, Business Managment (Post-Bac) University of Phoenix online, MEd With 27 years of teaching experience in the healthcare field, specifically in EMS...
certifiedTyler 75701 · 25 miles from 75766 · $35/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - General
University of Texas at Austin, Computer Science I have a degree in computer science from the University of Texas at Austin, a top 10 school for Computer Science in the nation. I studied various areas of computer...
certifiedTyler 75702 · 27 miles from 75766 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus
University of Texas, Arlington, Theatre I have been tutoring most of my life. I tutored several years at the colleges I've attended and privately. I've helped the students understand the foundation of math.
certifiedTyler 75702 · 27 miles from 75766 · $60/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - Writing -
The University of Texas at Tyler, Communication The University of Texas at Tyler, Masters Duquesne University, PhD I’m an educator and communication professional with a passion for...