Found 9348 language art tutors – page 422 of 935.

Ms. B.

Fort Lauderdale 33317 · $70/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Spanish -

Middlebury College, Spanish Middlebury College, Masters Dartmouth College; McGill University, Graduate Coursework Are you looking to improve your test scores, learn a new language...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kathy V.

Henrico 23233 · $100/hour · teaches Spanish

My goal is to help students gain confidence and comfort with the language, regardless of level. I have taught and tutored Spanish at both the university and high school levels for 20+ years, including language...

 is a certified tutor certified
Deborah A.

Alhambra 91801 · $35/hour · teaches ESL/ESOL - TOEFL

My students often succeed at their tests and grow to love the language or other subject matter they are learning. I have worked for over 35 years teaching mostly English as a Second Language...

 is a certified tutor certified
Scott C.

Cottonwood 86326 · $55/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Lightroom

Platt College, AS Graphic Design BS Interactive Multimedia, Other A life-long professional of the visual arts, my entire professional career has been about creating the most impactful and impressive...

 is a certified tutor certified
John A.

Oswego 60543 · $40/hour · teaches HTML - CSS

I currently teach 7th and 8th grade students to program using Scratch, but have taught High School students Computer Science using the python language for 5 years. I have also taught web design using HTML and CSS...

 is a certified tutor certified
Benjamin S.

Seattle 98105 · $60/hour · teaches Grammar - ESL/ESOL - TOEFL

Reed College, International Policy Nice to meet you! My name is Ben, I'm an EFl/ESL teacher and writing tutor from Seattle, Washington, USA. I love learning and teaching languages.

 is a certified tutor certified
Carrie G.

Santa Fe 87505 · $40/hour · teaches TOEFL - Art History - Project Management

University of Texas at Austin, English Literature Hi! I'm Carrie and I have a B.A. in English and a minor in Spanish from Vanderbilt University and the University of Texas at Austin.

 is a certified tutor certified
Troy L.

Saint Paul 55118 · $60/hour · teaches Writing - Law - Video Production - Film

University of Arizona, BFA Media Arts Full Sail University, Masters Every since I can remember I have loved storytelling. Starting with writing my first 1-page play at the age of 9...

 is a certified tutor certified
Brenda C.

Ocean City 08226 · $65/hour · teaches Spanish

I recently started a Spanish National Honor Society and am the Team Leader for the World Language department. Teaching Spanish is my passion and I would love to help you grow and see the beauty and benefits of...

 is a certified tutor certified
Sebastian S.

Kansas City 64128 · $50/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading - English - ACT Reading - ACT

I have never partaken in designated tutoring, however; I have helped several friends of mine and individuals improve at the art of English. I enjoy helping other people, and I figure that tutoring is where I start.

 is a certified tutor certified