Found 18539 language learning tutors – page 296 of 1854.

Jed A.

Burbank 91505 · $80/hour · teaches American History - Vocabulary - Writing - English -

For example, when I taught an online course to teenagers who were learning English, I gave them a choice of well-known movies to explore between the language tied to what they're learning and how the movie was made.

 is a certified tutor certified
Dale P.

South Bend 46617 · $60/hour · teaches Grammar - Latin - Spanish - Writing - Greek

Learning Latin is an excellent way to read and write better in English, lay a foundation for learning the Romance languages, and immerse oneself in Classical literature. It immeasurably improves one's knowledge...

 is a certified tutor certified
Danielle S.

Oak Lawn 60453 · $35/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading - Spelling - Elementary Math -

I look forward to helping you get excited about learning. I have worked and trained with many master teachers in English and Language Arts. I have been trained in the Lucy Caulkins curriculum as well as Words Their...

 is a certified tutor certified
Mathilde J.

Richmond 23219 · $50/hour · teaches French

I am tutoring adults, as well, who are just in need of practicing French conversation, want to learn French for business or travel reasons, or who are ready to learn a new language.

 is a certified tutor certified
John O.

Reno 89501 · $35/hour · teaches Elementary (K-6th)

Claremont McKenna College, Psychology Claremont Graduate School, MBA Hi! All Classes will be held remotely via Zoom. I am available early mornings and weekends! Your child can learn...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ava W.

Saint Louis 63112 · $45/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - SAT Math - GRE - GED - SAT Reading -

Educational Background: I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a Bachelor of Arts degree in East Asian Languages from Washington University in St. Louis. My rigorous academic training has equipped me with...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ben M.

Franklin 37067 · $40/hour · teaches American History - Calculus - European History -

I am a firm believer that we learn by doing, not by listening to someone's lecture (especially when it comes to languages!) (3) I aim for consistency. The key to learning is to build a consistent routine...

 is a certified tutor certified
Gregory M.

Henderson 89044 · $95/hour · teaches Law - Bar Exam

My students include 1Ls struggling with a completely new teaching and learning method, 2Ls and 3Ls faced with courses that will be tested on the bar exam, as well as LLM students learning in a different language...

 is a certified tutor certified
Margaret W.

Ypsilanti 48197 · $60/hour · teaches American History - Grammar - German - Study Skills

I have a proven track record of success with such students, in addition to my own educational career and the things I have learned to do in order to succeed. I have been teaching in some form since 2012;

 is a certified tutor certified
Peola C.

Winter Park 32792 · $40/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Reading

Nova Community College, undergrad I have been a certified preschool teacher for over 10 years. I have a passion for promoting early childhood learning. Starting to help children before they have adopted bad habits...

 is a certified tutor certified