Found 6833 language tutors – page 24 of 684.

Shuja Ahmad H.

El Cajon 92019 · $40/hour · teaches Farsi

Balkh medical university, MD I have been teaching Afghan languages (Dari and Pashto) and Afghan culture at the Naval Special Warfare foreign language program since 2011. I have taught Navy seals and SWQ students...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jennifer M.

Erie 16506 · $50/hour · teaches Sign Language

Edinburg university of pa, Speech Hearing Edinburg university of pa, Masters I am a PA licensed Speech/Language Therapist working with Pediatric population. I also hold a teaching certificate for...

 is a certified tutor certified
Rob K.

Cleveland 44144 · $45/hour · teaches ESL/ESOL

Bachelor of Science, undergrad cert in TESOL and TOEFL teaching, Other If you are looking for math or reading help for your elementary-aged child or help learning the English language I may be your guy.

 is a certified tutor certified
Eileen R.

Boca Raton 33496 · $100/hour · teaches Spanish

University of St. Thomas (MN), Spanish language Universidad de Conplutense Madrid, Masters Hi, I'm Eileen. Following a High School visit to Spain, I became very interested in the Spanish language...

 is a certified tutor certified
Angie C.

Olympia 98501 · $35/hour · teaches ESL/ESOL - TOEFL

I've worked in both corporate training and academic teaching environments, and my lessons are designed to give students language that they are able to apply right away. Language is more than vocabulary and grammar...

 is a certified tutor certified
Christopher D.

Durango 81301 · $50/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - French - Elementary Science

University of Texas, undergrad 2 year Southern New Hampshire University, Enrolled I am here to help people of all ages learn the French language as well as the culture.

 is a certified tutor certified
Etienne T.

Bayport 55003 · $50/hour · teaches French

University of New Caledonia, Foreign Languages Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, France, MEd Indiana University Bloomingon, IN, Masters Je suis enseignant de français et élaborateur...

 is a certified tutor certified
Wendy L.

Iowa City 52240 · $65/hour · teaches Reading - ESL/ESOL - Elementary (K-6th) - Phonics

The University of Iowa, Education Gallaudet University, Masters Hello! I have been an English as a Second Language Instructor for more than 16 years. I have worked at UCSD and UCLA for 10 of those...

 is a certified tutor certified
Paul P.

Schenectady 12303 · $35/hour · teaches Italian

SUNY Oswego, Linguistics, Italian Translation SUNY Binghamton, Graduate Coursework My love for the Italian language and culture began at a very young age. Growing up, my parents always spoke to me...

 is a certified tutor certified
Marcus M.

Roodhouse 62082 · $35/hour · teaches Sign Language

I learned sign language with my mother and father. My sister learned from birth. I appreciate people who learn to communicate with people who use sign language. I have had situations where I had to "roll...

 is a certified tutor certified