Found 6800 language tutors – page 531 of 680.

Svitlana S.

Chicago 60622 · $100/hour · teaches ESL/ESOL - Russian

Interpreter Training | United States | LARC, Interpretation Uzhhorod National University Ukraine, Masters I am a professional English as a Foreign Language teacher and linguist with twenty-six years...

 is a certified tutor certified
Bill W.

Boylston 01505 · $50/hour · teaches Reading - English - Proofreading

Subjects/Classes I teach: -ELA (primarily Middle and High School) -Public Speaking -AP English: Language & Composition -Film Analysis

 is a certified tutor certified
Jake T.

Mineola 11501 · $50/hour · teaches American History - Government & Politics - SAT

Throughout my undergraduate studies, I took classes in various subjects, such as Constitutional Law, American Foreign Policy, Political Language, International Relations, Comparative Politics, Criminal Law...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ingrid G.

Bethlehem 18020 · $65/hour · teaches Spanish

New York Institute of Technology, Business Admin DeSales University, MBA Hola, I'm Ingrid! I am a Spanish-native speaker ready to help others learn and improve their Spanish language skills.

 is a certified tutor certified
Teresa L.

Belle Mead 08502 · $75/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English - Literature -

I have been teaching English/language arts to students in 4th-8th grade since 2011 in both public and private school settings, and am certified to teach English K-12. My approach is warm, empathetic, flexible...

 is a certified tutor certified
Carolyn D.

Granada Hills 91344 · $80/hour · teaches French - Spanish - Portuguese - ESL/ESOL -

University of California, Berkeley, Interdisciplinary St University of Southern California, Masters My language journey began in infancy, as my parents are from Brazil.

 is a certified tutor certified
David R.

Stamford 06903 · $65/hour · teaches American History - Geography

I also have spent time this year volunteering for a local refugee assistance agency as an English as a Second Language tutor for temporarily-resettled Ukrainian war refugees. I've also been taking Ukrainian classes...

 is a certified tutor certified
Abby C.

Ithaca 14850 · $50/hour · teaches French - Writing - English - Literature

I adapt my instructional approach to each student I have, as both writing and language usage processes are different for everyone. I've been taking French classes since my freshman year of high school...

 is a certified tutor certified
Lydia K.

Cincinnati 45219 · $40/hour · teaches Vocabulary - English - Social Studies - Voice

In addition to this, I studied Egyptology (including the language), and I engaged in the study of ancient cultures, myths, and, of course, Latin and Greek. I also attended the University of Cincinnati...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ben B.

Hartsdale 10530 · $90/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Geometry - Trigonometry

In addition, prior to being a teacher I was a computer services consultant working with various programming languages. During that time I also developed and marketed several Human Resource based tracking systems.

 is a certified tutor certified