Found 532 Latin tutors – page 51 of 54.

Janet H.

Hilton Head Island 29926 · $25/hour · teaches German - Latin

University of Bath, Bath, England, European Studies Oakland University, Rochester, MI, Graduate Coursework Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, Masters I am a retired high school...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ralston M.

Smyrna 30080 · teaches ISEE, Latin, Linux, Marketing, Math, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft

...and foreign languages (Latin, Arabic, Spanish). I began tutoring professionally after entering college, spending one year as a language tutor for Emory University, then pursuing private tutoring.

member for 6 years and 10 months
Makieda M. · High School degree

Saint Albans 11412 · $15/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Biology, Calculus

I am a high school junior who attends Poly Prep Country Day School. Currently, I take Advanced Placement Calculus, Advanced Placement English language, Advanced Placement Physics, Advanced latin...

member for 4 years and 12 months
Alvaro A.

Dallas 75219 · teaches English Language Arts, Latin American Culture

I chose Spanish as a minor in College, where I got to take courses such as Latin American Culture and Civilization, and Spanish Literature and Spanish Medieval Literature. It was the content and inspiring professors...

member for 7 years and 1 month
Galina L. · MBA in Int'l Business, Spanish

Milpitas 95035 · $45/hour · teaches Russian, Spanish, Dancing Ballroom, Spanish (basics)

I have a MasterĀ“s degree in Internatonal Business with focus on Latin America and a BA in Spanish from Georgia State University (Magna Cum Laude), I have spent some time in Latin America, and I have years of...

member for 9 years and 2 months

Atlanta 30303 · $15/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, American History, English, Essay

I also progressed through three years of Latin, which broadened my scope in terms of the English Language. I am also passionate about College Counseling and have recently gone through the process myself.

member for 1 year and 10 months
Bill H.

Saugus 01906 · teaches Composition, Jazz, Keyboard, Music, Music Theory, Organ, Piano

Standards, Jazz and Blues Improvisation, Rhythm & Blues, Bossa, Latin, Gospel, Boogie Woogie and Classical. I\'ll help you decipher anything else you want to bring in. Also theory and ear training.

member for 16 years and 11 months
Liliya K. · Bachelor in Linguistics

Bath 04530 · $30/hour · teaches English as 2nd Language, ESL, Russian

I have a complete 5-year degree in Linguistics and Intercultural Communication from an institute in Saint Petersburg, Russia. I also studied German, Latin and Italian at an American college.

member for 11 years and 7 months
Jenny F. · Masters in Creative Writing

Chicago 60657 · $60/hour · teaches ACT, Creative Writing, English, Essay, Film, ISEE

...Latin, Northside, Parker, St. Ignatius, Whitney Young, Jones, and Lane Tech, and US universities such as Wooster, UCLA, Stanford, MIT, Brown, and the University of Michigan (Go Blue!) Greetings!

member for 9 years and 9 months
Esteban R. · Masters in Philosophy

Pilar Centro 1629 · $15/hour · teaches English, English as 2nd Language, History, Home

Assistant at Angelic Doctor Academy, Kansas (USA) Jun- Aug 2016 - I implemented innovative ideas in the development of a basic Latin curriculum, Tutor at Mother of Divine Grace School, California...

member for 5 years and 5 months