Found 1025 law tutors – page 3 of 103.

Deborah S.

Haddonfield 08033 · $125/hour · teaches Proofreading - Law - Bar Exam

Rutgers University, English Rutgers Law Camden, J.D. I teach writing, law, and Bar Prep. Bar prep is my full-time work and my mission. I have 20 years experience teaching a bar prep course...

 is a certified tutor certified
Dina D.

Dorchester 02121 · $000/hour · teaches Proofreading - Law - SAT Reading - SAT Writing -

Harvard, Neuroscience Harvard Law School, J.D. I am a graduate of Harvard (1998) and Harvard Law School (2002). I am also a former Harvard alum interviewer (2005-2007 - before I started...

 is a certified tutor certified
Victoria C.

Los Angeles 90036 · $85/hour · teaches Government & Politics - Law - Bar Exam

The Ohio State University, Theatre Arts Southwestern Law School, J.D. As an attorney and graduate of Southwestern Law School, I spent the last two years tutoring other law...

 is a certified tutor certified
Joseph L.

Irvine 92618 · $60/hour · teaches World History - Law

King's College London, Law New York University School of Law, Masters Corporate Attorney: King's College London and NYU Law School. Debate/Writing/Law School Application &

 is a certified tutor certified
Wendy W.

Forest Hills 11375 · $85/hour · teaches Proofreading - Law - Needlework

State University of NY at Albany, History Education Brooklyn Law School, J.D. Benjamin A Cardozo School of Law, Masters Hello! Are you a student (college, law...

 is a certified tutor certified
Rasul V.

Mission Viejo 92691 · $65/hour · teaches Proofreading - Law

University of Exeter (UK), Law USC Gould School of Law, Masters I am a Law school grad that has had experience in tutoring in various subjects around the legal industry, as well as...

 is a certified tutor certified
Hank B.

Foxboro 02035 · $179/hour · teaches Proofreading - Law - Business - Career Development

Boston University, Economics statistics New England Law, J.D. Greetings - I have been an attorney for more than thirty years and have been a mentor to students and adults with interests in English...

 is a certified tutor certified
Abe Korn · Ph.D. in Business Computers Math

Moriches 11955 · $35/hour · teaches Journalism, Law, Literature, Logic, Management

Retired College Professor PhD in Business wth Marketing Masters in Computer Science with Math / Statistics BS in Accounting with Finance / Economics Over 30 years combined teaching and tutoring experience ...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 17 years and 7 months
Ronald W.

Eufaula 36027 · $50/hour · teaches American History - Vocabulary - Grammar - English -

Morehouse College, undergrad The Saint Louis University School of Law, J.D. I am a lawyer, by training, but I really love to write. I went to law school, inspired by John Grisham, and others...

 is a certified tutor certified
Joseph R.

Bremerton 98312 · $40/hour · teaches American History - Government & Politics - World

Excelsior College, Economics East Stroudsburg University, Masters Thomas Jefferson School of Law, J.D. Prior to graduating law school I was the business manager for...

 is a certified tutor certified