Found 4442 literature tutors – page 76 of 445.
Putnam Valley 10579 · $50/hour · teaches English - Literature - SAT Writing - Spelling
CUNY Macaulay Honors College at Hunter College, Creative Writing Hello to all of the young Padawans, sorcerer’s apprentices, first year students, tributes, and prospective supernatural creatures!

Princeton 08540 · $40/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - Elementary Math - Elementary
I have also taken a Post-Master's class in Children's and Young Adult Literature through the Reading Specialist program. I have experience tutoring PreK and Elementary (K-6th grade) students in Math, Reading, Phonics...

Sherman Oaks 91403 · $150/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Writing -
I have a BA with honors in French Language and Literature, and an Adjunct in Management from State University of New York at Binghamton. I am a member of the California, New York and DC Bars.

Missouri City 77459 · $46/hour · teaches Anatomy - Literature - Proofreading - TOEFL -
Howard University, Health Sciences Colorado Technical University, MBA I have been a Registered Respiratory Therapist for 19 years and worked in the following areas: MICU,SICU,CCU,NICU, PICU, LTAC, DME...

Cromwell 06416 · $50/hour · teaches SAT Math - Literature - GRE - GED - SAT Reading -
Framingham State University, undergrad University of New Haven, Masters I have a Master's in Environmental Science and a Bachelor's in Biology and am willing to give help in most life sciences.

South Bend 46601 · $60/hour · teaches Grammar - Geometry - Prealgebra - Precalculus -
With a PhD in Literature and Writing, I have a vast depth of knowledge in everything related to reading, writing, and the humanities. I can help students with any kind of essay assignments, including essays that...

Fort Collins 80526 · $30/hour · teaches Government & Politics - Literature - World
Antioch College, Education New College of Califonia, SF, Masters UNC Greeley, Graduate Coursework I love teaching, and have worked with students from kindergarten through...

Costa Mesa 92626 · $70/hour · teaches ESL/ESOL - Literature - Proofreading - Spelling -
San Diego State University, German San Diego State University, Masters I offer online lessons. Due to traffic and time constraints, I do not offer in-person lessons.

Columbia 29210 · $60/hour · teaches Physiology - Literature - World History - GRE -
University of South Carolina, Biochemistry, Molec. Biology, Psychology University of South Carolina, Masters University of South Florida, Graduate Coursework I love teaching...

Laguna Niguel 92677 · $60/hour · teaches English - Literature - World History - SAT
California State Northridge/University of Salamanca, Marine Biology and Spanish Hello, my name is Patricia and I'm originally from Spain. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Archaeology, as well as a BS degree...