Found 113 tutors in Lititz, PA 17543 – page 4 of 12.
Mount Joy 17552 · 12 miles from 17543 · $70/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Prealgebra - HTML
Millersville University, Computer Science Penn State World Campus, Masters I am an experienced Software Engineer with 5 years working experience in the field through consulting and a corporate...

Lancaster 17603 · 12 miles from 17543 · $80/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe
BFA New York University, Film Video MFA California Institute of the Arts, Graduate Coursework Hi, I’m Evan. I am an experienced animation and motion graphics artist who has worked on many high...

Mount Joy 17552 · 12 miles from 17543 · $45/hour · teaches Music Theory - Trombone
Elizabethtown College, Music Education Hello! I am Micah. I am a student at Elizabethtown College studying Music Education. Growing up it was my teachers, particularly in music that had the greatest impact on me.

Columbia 17512 · 13 miles from 17543 · $95/hour · teaches Series 7 - Series 63 - Series
Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Business Economics Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, MBA Hello, my name is Rob and I learned a long time ago that if what you are studying...

Reinholds 17569 · 13 miles from 17543 · $40/hour · teaches Anatomy
I am a retired classroom teacher, with 25 years of experience in that field. I've taught all grades from 1-12 in various ways, but mostly between grades 2-8. My BA degree in Elementary Education (minor in Biology)...

Lancaster 17603 · 12 miles from 17543 · $35/hour · teaches General Computer - HTML - SQL
Hello, I am senior software developer/engineer for a US software company. I've been working in the industry for over 20 years and bring a variety of skills to the table ranging from standalone application development...

New Holland 17557 · 13 miles from 17543 · $55/hour · teaches Spanish - ESL/ESOL
Eastern Mennonite University, Spanish Education Eastern Mennonite University, Masters ¡Hola! I am Sra. Vega. I have been teaching Spanish and ESL for 25 years at the secondary level.

Lancaster 17603 · 12 miles from 17543 · $55/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Writing -
Southeastern University, English Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Masters My name is Christian F., I am a Master of the art of Religion and a Bachelor of English studies.

Mountville 17554 · 12 miles from 17543 · $50/hour · teaches Nursing - NCLEX
Gwynedd Mercy University, Nursing I am a current ICU nurse with a BSN, RN, and CCRN. I have been tutoring nursing students for all undergraduate classes for 4 years. I also provide NCLEX prep, study tips...

Millersville 17551 · 13 miles from 17543 · $40/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop
Kutztown State College, BFA Comm Design I have been using Adobe Photoshop in a premedia capacity since 1995. Digital color correction, image retouching and photo composition are my specialties.