Found 231 tutors in Longmont, CO 80501 – page 4 of 24.
Lafayette 80026 · 11 miles from 80501 · $80/hour · teaches Statistics - Geography - SPSS
University of Colorado, Denver, Political science University of Colorado, Health Sciences Center, Masters University of Colorado, Health Sciences Center, PhD My favorite part of my...

Lafayette 80026 · 11 miles from 80501 · $40/hour · teaches Archaeology
University of Colorado, Boulder, History I am a returned Peace Corps Education Volunteer and current Bioarchaeology Intern at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. I am from Colorado, and graduated from...

Boulder 80301 · 11 miles from 80501 · $100/hour · teaches Theater - Voice (Music)
Colorado State University, BFA As a classically trained singer/songwriter and performing artist, singing and performing are my deepest passions and most authentic expressions of self!

Boulder 80301 · 11 miles from 80501 · $30/hour · teaches Calculus - Differential
BS, University of Colorado Boulder, Applied Mathematics MS, Colorado School of Mines, Enrolled Hello! I am currently a graduate student of applied mathematics at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden.

Boulder 80301 · 11 miles from 80501 · $20/hour · teaches Film
University of Colorado, Film and Journalism If you're reading this than you're interested in getting an idea turned into a screenplay, or looking to become a better screenplay write. Good. I can help. I WILL help.

Boulder 80301 · 11 miles from 80501 · $80/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
University of Florida, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering I am a currently a graduate aerospace engineering student at CU Boulder. I recieved my B.S. in aerospace engineering from the University of Florida...

Boulder 80301 · 11 miles from 80501 · $72/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
University of Notre Dame, Chemical Engineering University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Masters Hello! I’m a chemical engineer who earned a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame...

Boulder 80301 · 11 miles from 80501 · $45/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English -
Arizona State University, Management CU Boulder, Masters Hi there! My name is Sarah and I am currently a grad student at the University of Colorado Boulder receiving my Master's in Literature.

Boulder 80301 · 11 miles from 80501 · $100/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
Vanguard University Southern California, Mathematics Hi parents and students, my name is Marissa. I graduated from Vanguard University with a degree in Mathematics. I have been tutoring different subject areas...

Boulder 80301 · 11 miles from 80501 · $96/hour · teaches Grammar - German - Writing -
University of Colorado, Boulder, German University of Washington, Seattle, PhD I have worked as an English professor for over twenty years. I have specialized in English composition...