Found 231 tutors in Longmont, CO 80501 – page 7 of 24.
Boulder 80304 · 14 miles from 80501 · $50/hour · teaches Nutrition
State University of Connecticut, undergrad University of Bridgeport, CT, Other I am Registered Dietitian with more than 25 years experience in human nutrition. I specialize in nutrition support and...

Boulder 80304 · 14 miles from 80501 · $45/hour · teaches Art History - Graphic Design
University of Northern Colorado, Art Ed I am an art teacher K-12 grades. I have 20+ years of teaching experience and have been producing art since I could use a drawing implement. I am a published illustrator...

Boulder 80304 · 14 miles from 80501 · $40/hour · teaches American History - Grammar -
CU Boulder, CO, undergrad Is your student having trouble with seeing the past? Is it just dates and dead people and no one with a website? Are the classics just too old to be taking seriously? I can help!

Loveland 80537 · 14 miles from 80501 · $38/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Vocabulary -
Stevens-Henager, Accounting Stevens-Henager, Masters Northcentral University, PhD I have two bachelor's degrees, one in accounting and one in graphic design.

Boulder 80304 · 14 miles from 80501 · $50/hour · teaches Marketing - Visual Basic -
The University of Colorado at Boulder - College of Engineering, Environmental Design Communication and Information (CMCI) - Journalism School at University of Colorado at Boulder, Masters ...

Boulder 80303 · 15 miles from 80501 · $146/hour · teaches Chemistry - Physics - MCAT -
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Chemical Engineering University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Masters My name is William and I am passionate about science - Let me share this passion with you!

Boulder 80303 · 15 miles from 80501 · $125/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Reading - Study
The University of Florida, English Education Regis University, Graduate Coursework University of Northern Colorado, Graduate Coursework If you've ever wanted a teacher to "be a fly on...

Boulder 80303 · 15 miles from 80501 · $100/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Reading - Writing
San Francisco State University/University of Maryland, Screenwriting I'm an award-winning novelist under the name L.B. Schulman, offering creative writing and public speaking tutoring through my business...

Broomfield 80023 · 15 miles from 80501 · $75/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Geometry -
Texas Woman's University, Mathematics I first started tutoring back when working on my B.S. in Mathematics and tutored a variety of students in high school subjects as well as adult learners returning...

Boulder 80303 · 15 miles from 80501 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
UC Irvine, Mathematics University of Colorado, Boulder, Masters Hello! I'm a mathematics tutor with lots of experience in the subject, both learning and teaching. I got my Bachelor's in Math...