Found 366 LSAT tutors – page 16 of 37.
Princeton 08542 · $70/hour · teaches World History - LSAT - Proofreading - SSAT -
As a student, I always had an aptitude for standardized testing, earning a 2340 SAT score, 171 LSAT, and several 5s on AP exams, and I have translated this success to my tutoring practice as I help students refine...

Ashland 97520 · $75/hour · teaches Differential Equations - LSAT - GRE - GED - SPSS -
I regularly teach chemistry, LSAT prep, reading comprehension, and many more subjects. I’m genuinely interested in… everything, and one of my favorite things to do is learn something new in order to teach it.

Alachua 32615 · $150/hour · teaches SAT Math - LSAT - Law - SAT Reading - ACT English -
University of Florida, Criminology and Law Barry University School of Law, J.D. Washington University School of Law, Masters I help SAT, LSAT, and mainly law school students get "A's.

Brookfield 53005 · $149/hour · teaches Physiology - LSAT - GED - MCAT - Genetics
...and one-on-one tutor for the MCAT and LSAT. I have mentored hundreds of students of all ages and abilities, including individuals retaking their exam, non-traditional applicants, working parents, and much more.

North Hollywood 91602 · $135/hour · teaches SAT Math - LSAT - GRE - SAT Reading -
I have scored in the top 10% of many standardized tests including the SAT (99th percentile), GMAT (96th Percentile), and LSAT (90th Percentile). I am also familiar with the GRE and MCAT.

Canton 48187 · $80/hour · teaches SAT Math - LSAT - GRE - GED - GMAT - ASVAB -
Reach out to me for individual and or small group tutoring, homework/school courses and test prep for SAT, ACT,LSAT, GMAT, GRE, etc. Let's find a way to connect and get started learning!

Ithaca 14850 · $55/hour · teaches World History - LSAT - Law - Social Studies
In addition, I have ample experience with the LSAT and would be willing to cooperate with every aspiring future lawyer to-be. In college, I tutored AP Comparative Government and Politics as well as AP European...

Upper Darby 19082 · $100/hour · teaches Literature - LSAT - Proofreading - SAT Writing
With my experience both in teaching and law, and my personal experience taking the LSAT successfully, I am the ideal choice to guide you through this process.

San Diego 92128 · $285/hour · teaches LSAT - GMAT
Boston University, Classics and Philosophy University of San Diego, J.D. I've taught the LSAT and GMAT for over 25 years. My teaching experience is what sets me apart from other tutors.

Seattle 98199 · $49/hour · teaches ESL/ESOL - LSAT - SAT Reading - SAT Writing - ACT
I have received excellent scores (above the 99th percentile) on standardized tests including the ACT, SAT, and LSAT, especially on sections related to reading, English, and logic. I offer specialized test prep...