Found 364 LSAT tutors – page 3 of 37.

Urooba A.

New York 10012 · $80/hour · teaches Government & Politics - LSAT - Proofreading -

University of Pennsylvania, Global Studies I am an Ivy League graduate with expertise in all things LSAT, writing, and admissions counseling. I primarily offer three buckets of services: (1) LSAT...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kendall M.

Gainesville 32601 · $45/hour · teaches LSAT

I'm Kendall, and I'm excited to offer personalized, analytics-driven LSAT tutoring solutions. I have been tutoring the LSAT for several years, using that experience to offer personalized 1:1 tutoring sessions that...

 is a certified tutor certified
Bob V.

Newton Center 02459 · $300/hour · teaches Writing - LSAT - Theater - Film

Bachelor of Arts, SUNY Albany, undergrad • Indiana University, Masters My mission is to help create attorneys, starting with success on the LSAT. After earning my Master’s at Indiana University...

 is a certified tutor certified
James T.

Mission 66202 · $90/hour · teaches English - LSAT - GRE - Proofreading - GMAT - Art

Once upon a time, back in the mid 1990s, I started teaching SAT, GRE, GMAT, and LSAT classes for the Princeton Review. My high SAT, GRE, and LSAT scores landed me that job. Though I had previously shied away...

 is a certified tutor certified
Julie L.

Durham 27703 · $100/hour · teaches Precalculus - LSAT - GRE - Law - Probability - PSAT

Actually more - at many companies you'll be getting a college student with a few months of LSAT experience who works a few hours a week rather than the LSAT professional you're paying for!

 is a certified tutor certified
Jordan S.

San Antonio 78217 · $150/hour · teaches Finance - LSAT - Law - SAT Reading - Social

I worked as a History tutor in College, and later on after acing the LSAT I worked as a tutor for the LSAT through a test prep company. I was a teacher for a corporation as well- actually a fairly fun time and...

 is a certified tutor certified
Aly S.

Stevenson Ranch 91381 · $120/hour · teaches Writing - LSAT - Proofreading

University of California, Berkeley, Legal Studies Hi! My name is Aly and I received a score of 178 on the LSAT (99.7 percentile). I graduated from UC Berkeley with a B.A. in Legal Studies and academic honors in 2023.

 is a certified tutor certified
Rob S.

Valleyford 99036 · $150/hour · teaches LSAT

It was during these demanding days at sea that I also prepared for the LSAT. I faced challenges, including two unsuccessful attempts to take the exam in a remote Alaskan fishing town, where I lost power during...

 is a certified tutor certified
Grace L.

Arlington 22204 · $100/hour · teaches Spanish - LSAT

Keene State College, Spanish, global stu. (Current) The George Washington University Law School, J.D. Hello, I'm Grace and I am a professional LSAT instructor. I am a freelance LSAT...

 is a certified tutor certified
Germaine W.

Boston 02118 · $150/hour · teaches SAT Math - LSAT - ACT Reading - ACT English - ACT

Princeton University, Philosophy Hello, my name is Germaine! I’m proud to offer a different approach to LSAT preparation that leverages my formal logic background, making answering questions less confusing...

 is a certified tutor certified