Found 2358 tutors in Manhasset, NY 11030 – page 183 of 236.

Giuseppe S. · Ph.D. in American Studies

Brooklyn 11230 · 19 miles from 11030 · $35/hour · teaches American History, English

I am a college professor of Italian who came to the US four years ago. My academic career has been focused on the studies of languages and cultures and I am at ease navigating three cultures: my native one, Italian;

member for 12 years and 4 months
Marc W. · Teaching Professional major

New York 10001 · 16 miles from 11030 · $120/hour · teaches Golf

I love teaching golf. I gain satisfaction from seeing my client’s golf swing steadily improve providing them with results in their golf games. As a well-versed athlete in many sports, I have perfected...

member for 11 years and 12 months
Aaron R. · Masters in Physics

New York 10003 · 16 miles from 11030 · $100/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2

MA in Physics from University of Texas at Austin BA in Physics, Math, Philosophy from Hartwick College 3 years classroom teaching experience at University of Texas, 6+ years of private tutoring since enrolling...

member for 11 years and 10 months
Laura Dincã M. · Masters in Romanian Language

New York 10001 · 16 miles from 11030 · $20/hour · teaches ESL, Romanian

-Bachelor of Education Degree in Nova Scotia and Romania -Master Degree in Romanian language at University of Philology in Bucharest, Romania -Nova Scotia Teacher Certificate -Accredited Interpreter...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 11 years and 6 months
Donatella M. · Bachelor degree

New York 10001 · 16 miles from 11030 · $40/hour · teaches English as 2nd Language

Italian Language and Literature Donatella M. has a Masters from the Universita' Magistero di Bologna in Italy. She specializes in tutoring Italian and literature.

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 10 years and 4 months
Talia · Masters degree

Brooklyn 11238 · 16 miles from 11030 · $100/hour · teaches ACT, Algebra, Algebra 1

I’ve been a self-employed test prep tutor for just over 8 years, and have assisted students with their graduate school application packages for almost as long. I specialize in the LSAT, but I also have extensive...

member for 9 years and 12 months
Mike C.

New York 10001 · 16 miles from 11030 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2

Zhiyuan Chen specializes in math. Feel free to contact him through the form on your left.

member for 9 years and 11 months
Jon M.

New York 10001 · 16 miles from 11030 · $150/hour · teaches LSAT

I scored a 178 on the actual LSAT with perfect 180 scores on subsequent practice tests. I exclusively teach the techniques and strategies to conquer the LSAT. I have spent over 5 years perfecting my methods...

member for 9 years and 11 months
Mona K. · Masters in Fine Arts

Brooklyn 11216 · 16 miles from 11030 · $50/hour · teaches Art History, Computer

Since graduating from my master in Fine Arts in 2010 I have been teaching digital and video art in the college system since 2011. Due to my teaching experience I have strong computer skills.

member for 9 years and 11 months
Gilberto K.

New York 10001 · 16 miles from 11030 · teaches Portuguese

Gilberto Klein lives in New York. He tutors business and Portuguese. Feel free to contact him through the form on your left.

member for 9 years and 7 months