Found 488 tutors in Marietta, GA 30006 – page 8 of 49.
Mableton 30126 · 9 miles from 30006 · $65/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
Youngstown State University, Masters Having served as an instructor for high school students, I developed the necessary skills needed to motivate even non-science majors to love studying chemistry.

Atlanta 30328 · 9 miles from 30006 · $75/hour · teaches Ear Training - Voice (Music)
Oberlin College, Voice Performance Hi there, Are you a young singer who’s trying to find your own voice? Maybe you’re an intermediate singer who just hasn’t been able to reach the next level of vocal technique.

Mableton 30126 · 9 miles from 30006 · $40/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar -
Middle Ga State University, Computer Science Augusta College, Masters Hello! My name is Zhanai, and I am from Georgia. I have a Bachelor's in Information Technology and am currently working on...

Atlanta 30328 · 9 miles from 30006 · $65/hour · teaches Music Production
Hi there! Have you always been curious about music production and becoming a producer but have no idea where to start? I can help students of all ages develop skills in everything involved in music production.

Atlanta 30327 · 9 miles from 30006 · $160/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Statistics -
Virginia Commonwealth University, Economics,Statistics Georgia Institute of Technology, Masters Georgia Institute of Technology, PhD Dear student, my name is Justin and I am...

Mableton 30126 · 9 miles from 30006 · $100/hour · teaches Career Development
Indian Institute of technology (IIT Kanpur), Mechanical Engineeri Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Masters Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, PhD Hello, my name is Viren...

Atlanta 30328 · 9 miles from 30006 · $35/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading -
Georgia College and State University, Creative Writing My name is Jacob, and I’m here to help you or your child with English. I began my tutoring career in 2011 when I assisted international students with English...

Atlanta 30327 · 9 miles from 30006 · $65/hour · teaches Grammar - Writing - English -
Northeastern University, English Northeastern University, Masters University of Georgia School of Law, Enrolled Hi! My name is Lexi. I hold a Master's and Bachelor's in English...

Atlanta 30327 · 9 miles from 30006 · $80/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Statistics - SPSS
UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES, Economics and IR Georgia State University, Masters Georgia State University, PhD I am Nicardo! I am an Economics college Professor.

Atlanta 30301 · 11 miles from 30006 · $25/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2
I completed my Bachelors in Polymer Science from Delhi Technological University (formerly DCE), New Delhi, India. After working for three years in the Applied Polymers industry, I pursued a Masters in Material...
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