Found 5118 marine biology tutors – page 79 of 512.

Richard P.

Oak Harbor 43449 · $40/hour · teaches Biology - Psychology - Geology - Elementary

Siena Heights University, undergrad 25 plus years experience in providing Career Exploration,Home Budget Preparation, General Science, Basketball and general PE instruction and conditioning.

 is a certified tutor certified
Winnie H.

Gainesville 32608 · $50/hour · teaches Microbiology - Genetics

East Carolina University, Biology Chemistry University of Florida, Masters University of Florida, PhD I have a PhD and Master's from University of Florida and a degree in Biology...

 is a certified tutor certified
Steve V.

Millville 96062 · $25/hour · teaches Biology - Chemistry - Vocabulary - Physical

I have taught high school chemistry, physics, earth science, and biology. I have also taught a college Human Anatomy & Physiology course, Spanish, Math, PE, Outdoor Education, Health, and more!

 is a certified tutor certified
Caleb D.

Monroe 71212 · $40/hour · teaches Microsoft Word - ACT Science

, University of Louisiana Monroe, Biology I'm Caleb! I am a sophomore at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, and I will be using Wyzant as a means to take my first steps into the world of tutoring.

 is a certified tutor certified
Rena Jo C.

Connersville 47331 · $30/hour · teaches American History - Biology - Vocabulary -

Indiana University and Ivy Tech College, Business and Technology Hello! Thank you for taking the time to consider me as your educational tutor. First, I would like to tell you a little about my background.

 is a certified tutor certified
James N.

New York 10025 · $150/hour · teaches American History - Biology - Chemistry -

Brown University, Geology-Biology Stony Brook University, Masters Hi, I'm James! I graduated from Brown University with a BS with Honors in Geology and Biology...

 is a certified tutor certified
Mark R.

Winfield 17889 · $30/hour · teaches Biology - Geometry - Prealgebra - Elementary Math -

Ohio State University, Biology Ed Bob Jones University (Distance Learning), Graduate Coursework I am an experienced teacher of 25 years. I have taught a wide range of subjects which include: science...

 is a certified tutor certified
Eric S.

Overland Park 66213 · $40/hour · teaches American History - Biology - European History

Iowa State University, Biology, En Sci As a former martial arts instructor, I recognize that everyone has their own learning abilities and preferences, and some teaching strategies may be excellent for some...

 is a certified tutor certified
Dida K.

Marina 93933 · $45/hour · teaches Biology - Reading - SAT Reading - SAT Writing -

San Francisco State University, undergrad SFSU, Masters I love turning kids and adults on to the beauty of nature and science. I studied molecular genetics in graduate school, have conducted research...

 is a certified tutor certified
Marty R.

Tinley Park 60477 · $35/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - American History -

For my Associates degree, I studied mostly chemistry and math, but also physics and biology. For my history major, I mostly studied European History, but also took many classes in U.S. and Ancient History.

 is a certified tutor certified