Found 3844 mechanical engineering tutors – page 50 of 385.

Kartik J. · Masters in Thermal Enginerring

Chicago 60290 · $30/hour · teaches Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical

I have done my masters in Thermal engineering from IIT Delhi which is one of the topmost college in India. I completed my Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering so i am good in concept of Mechanical Engineering...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 7 years and 6 months
Yusuf M. · Masters in Masters in Mechanical Eng

San Francisco 94111 · teaches Arabic, English, English as 2nd Language, Math, Physics

Masters in Mechanical Engineering-Distinction I am a Mechanical Engineering Graduate and I provide Maths/Physics lessons to high school/middle school students worldwide..

member for 5 years and 12 months
Shikhar A. · Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering

New Delhi 110001 · $10/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Calculus

Ranked 549 out of 1.3 million candidates appeared for IIT-JEE exam, one amongst the world's hardest examination I teach mathematics giving importance to very basic concepts first then moving to challanging...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 5 years and 6 months
Ben B. · Bachelor in Civil Engineering

Irvine 92606 · $40/hour · teaches Civil Engineering, Differential Equations, Geometry

Purdue University - BS Civil Engineering GPA 4.0 Hi! I am a Purdue Civil Engineering graduate who is an experienced tutor. I just graduated after the Spring 2020 semester with a 4.0 cumulative GPA.

member for 4 years and 12 months
Tom N.

Claremont 91711 · $40/hour · teaches Electrical Engineering

I worked at the Space and Missile Systems Center as a Senior Systems Engineer. I worked with civilian contractors overseeing their design and development of various types of satellites that are used by the military.

 is a certified tutor certified
Robert Z.

Brookfield 06804 · $100/hour · teaches COBOL - Microsoft Project

My first year in college was in Manhattan College where I pursued a Mechanical Engineering degree. My dad was an engineer as well as an architect and he advised me to change degrees due to the poor job availability...

 is a certified tutor certified
Alan-Michael V.

Fort Worth 76132 · $50/hour · teaches Prealgebra - Probability

I have an MS in Electrical Engineering and a BS in Physics with a minor in Mathematics, and I would love to share my intuitive perspective of the deep mathematical and physical underpinnings of these subjects.

 is a certified tutor certified
Scott C.

Parkville 21234 · $50/hour · teaches Mechanical Engineering

I also teach the chemistry of internal combustion engines and hydraulics. Additionally, I have worked in the industry as an aeronautical and automotive technician. I love learning about how things work...

 is a certified tutor certified
William S.

Austin 78734 · $47/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus - Chemistry -

...a requirement of my original Agricultural Engineering major specializing in circuits and sensors, which comprised the disciplines of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. After graduating my interest...

 is a certified tutor certified
Eric W.

Reno 89509 · $125/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus - Chemistry - Geometry

BS, The University of Cincinnati, Aerospace Engineering M.Eng, University of Cincinnati, Enrolled Hi! I'm Eric. Here's a little bit about me: --------------------------------------------------------...

 is a certified tutor certified