Found 5358 medieval history tutors – page 425 of 536.

Misty F.

Dolgeville 13329 · $10/hour · teaches American History - Political Science

'The University of New York at Albany, Political SCience Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, Enrolled Hi! I am a full time professional in State government with a knack for...

 is a certified tutor certified
Brian R.

Rexburg 83440 · $30/hour · teaches Art History

Brigham Young University-Idaho, Bachelor Science Art Hello! My name is Brian, and I am a professional freelance illustrator (art dealing with communication of concept, story, advertisement, etc..

 is a certified tutor certified
Judith R.

Fremont Center 12736 · $40/hour · teaches Art History

Fordham University - College at Lincoln Center, Theater Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, Other As a working artist and educator I have sought to prepare my students for a career in the arts.

 is a certified tutor certified
William B.

Schenectady 12303 · $50/hour · teaches American History - Writing - English -

Hofstra University, Political Science With over 20 years of writing and marketing/communications experience combined with a degree in political science, I am interested in sharing my knowledge and passion for writing...

 is a certified tutor certified
David J.

Duluth 55804 · $25/hour · teaches American History - Prealgebra - Reading - Elementary

u. Wisconsin-superior, business administrat I hope to be your math tutor. My BS degree is from UWS in 1998. My GPA is 2.80. I have successfully tutored a couple of students. I have a letter of reference...

 is a certified tutor certified
Mary J.

Carthage 62321 · $55/hour · teaches American History - Vocabulary - Grammar -

Robert Morris College, undergrad I have tutored all of my children (5) throughout their school years, plus some of their friends. I have also tutored my best friend in her college courses for pre-algebra, algebra...

 is a certified tutor certified
Hallie L.

Pittsburgh 15228 · $40/hour · teaches American History - Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading

Duquesne University, English Education Duquesne University, Masters Duquesne University, Masters I'm a certified English teacher and Guidance Counselor with over 20 years experience in...

 is a certified tutor certified
Caroline P.

Winter Springs 32708 · $45/hour · teaches European History - Reading - Writing -

university of natal, South Africa, English university of natal, South Africa, Other Trinity College London, Other How many ways can you say, "I love you"?

 is a certified tutor certified
Barbara E.

Athens 45701 · $45/hour · teaches Art History

Ohio University, fine art photography University of Central Florida, Masters Life isn’t about finding yourself; it is about creating yourself. I am passionate about art, design, multiculturalism...

 is a certified tutor certified
Thurston N.

San Francisco 94122 · $98/hour · teaches World History - SQL - Computer Programming -

B.A. Syracuse University - dual degree, public economics and journalism Harvard JFK School of Government, Graduate Coursework UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, Phd program in statistics...

 is a certified tutor certified