Found 289 tutors in the state of Minnesota – page 20 of 29.

Gregory L.

Minneapolis 55414 · $30/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Chemistry - Vocabulary -

Carleton College (Northfield, MN), undergrad My name is Greg. I am a graduate of Carleton College, where I received my degree in chemistry. I enjoy reading, writing, and tabletop gaming.

 is a certified tutor certified
Qunfang W.

Saint Paul 55117 · $55/hour · teaches Chinese

teacher school, teaching method I taught at a secondary school for one year after I graduated. Then I started to run my own tutoring class in Beijing, China for two and a half years.

 is a certified tutor certified
Ashley G.

Spring Valley 55975 · $60/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - English

Rochester Community Technical College, Human Services My love for teaching comes from being the oldest of four siblings. I was the "go to sister" when it came to homework questions and projects for school.

 is a certified tutor certified
Anthony R.

Long Prairie 56347 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Adobe Illustrator

Bachelor of Arts, Animation I have a great passion for learning new skills and excelling in those that I am passionate about. As a Summa Cum Laude graduate, I know that hard work and dedication can lead to great things.

 is a certified tutor certified
Tedd A.

Vermillion 55085 · $45/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - Psychology

Winona State University; Winona, MN, undergrad University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, Masters As a recent graduate of the University of Idaho Human Factors program, I have been working as a teaching...

 is a certified tutor certified
Lana G.

Mound 55364 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus - Geometry -

Rollins College, Math, physics, educa U of Minnesota, Masters I am a newly retired teacher. I taught public and private school for 37 years. I have taught all levels of mathematics from grade 7 - college.

 is a certified tutor certified
David J.

Duluth 55804 · $25/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - American History - Prealgebra

u. Wisconsin-superior, business administrat I hope to be your math tutor. My BS degree is from UWS in 1998. My GPA is 2.80. I have successfully tutored a couple of students. I have a letter of reference...

 is a certified tutor certified
Christine M.

Hancock 56244 · $50/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Art History - Art Theory

University Minnesota Morris, Studio Arts Grand Canyon University, Masters I am a an Honor Student with a 4.0 and will have Master's Degree in Secondary Education. I hold a BA in Studio Arts from...

 is a certified tutor certified
Walter F.

Duluth 55804 · $40/hour · teaches American History - European History - Geography -

University of Southern California (USC), International Relati University of Southern California (USC), Masters University of Southern California (USC), PhD Any student seeking...

 is a certified tutor certified
Spencer G.

Eden Prairie 55347 · $45/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop

Art Institutes International of Minnesota, BFA in Photography My passion is photography. I've been shooting for 20 years now. I specialize in architecture, landscape, and wild life.

 is a certified tutor certified