Found 147 tutors in the state of Mississippi – page 11 of 15.

Benjamin S.

Olive Branch 38654 · $45/hour · teaches Psychology

Delta State University, undergrad Delta State Universi, Masters I have a BA degree in Psychology and a Masters of Education in Counseling with School emphasis. I have several years working with...

 is a certified tutor certified
Eduardo M.

Madison 39110 · $55/hour · teaches Law - Business

Univ of Texas, undergrad Mississippi College School of Law, J.D. US Army War College, Masters In the fast paced world of Government and Law, I have enjoyed teaching in both fields for...

 is a certified tutor certified
Rhonda H.

Grenada 38902 · $50/hour · teaches Criminal Justice - Social Studies

University of Mississippi, undergrad Grand Canyon University, MEd Saint Leo University, Masters Being a retired military veteran of 23 years and having to go back to school at age 38...

 is a certified tutor certified
Marsha P.

Canton 39046 · $40/hour · teaches Phonics - Reading - Spelling - Handwriting

Mississippi University for Women, Elementary Education Mississippi College, EdD I am a Mississippi native. I received my bachelor degree in elementary education in 2006.

 is a certified tutor certified
Krystal W.

Picayune 39466 · $45/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Writing - Literature

William Carey University, English William Carey University, MEd I am currently an English teacher for 8th through 12 the grade in a local public school. I have been teaching 3 years and have...

 is a certified tutor certified
Matthew B.

Benton 39039 · $45/hour · teaches American History - Psychology - World History -

HOLMES COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Psychology Hi! Tutoring is something I have not done in a few years and I honestly miss the experience! I've tutored mainly in history and science classes since most of my college courses...

 is a certified tutor certified
Amber E.

Morton 39117 · $40/hour · teaches Psychology

Mississippi State University, Psychology Mississippi State University, Masters Hi! My name is Amber. I graduated from Mississippi State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology...

 is a certified tutor certified
Richard M.

Columbus 39701 · $40/hour · teaches Music Theory - General Music

University of New Orleans, Music Composition Tulane University, Masters University of North Texas, PhD Dr. Richard M. holds degrees in composition from the University of New Orleans...

 is a certified tutor certified
Roneda S.

Goodman 39079 · $35/hour · teaches Phonics

BS Degree Mississippi Valley State, Speech Communication University of Mississippi-speech therapy, Masters Jackson state Univeristy, Masters Hi! I'm currently a speech language teacher...

 is a certified tutor certified
Emiya H.

Jackson 39211 · $60/hour · teaches Biology - Vocabulary - Grammar - Proofreading

Hinds Community College, Business Management My name is Emiya H. I’m a current freshman at Hinds Community College, majoring in business management. I graduated in the top 50 of my class with a 4.0 gpa and over 200...

 is a certified tutor certified