Found 147 tutors in the state of Mississippi – page 11 of 15.
Olive Branch 38654 · $45/hour · teaches Psychology
Delta State University, undergrad Delta State Universi, Masters I have a BA degree in Psychology and a Masters of Education in Counseling with School emphasis. I have several years working with...

Madison 39110 · $55/hour · teaches Law - Business
Univ of Texas, undergrad Mississippi College School of Law, J.D. US Army War College, Masters In the fast paced world of Government and Law, I have enjoyed teaching in both fields for...

Grenada 38902 · $50/hour · teaches Criminal Justice - Social Studies
University of Mississippi, undergrad Grand Canyon University, MEd Saint Leo University, Masters Being a retired military veteran of 23 years and having to go back to school at age 38...

Canton 39046 · $40/hour · teaches Phonics - Reading - Spelling - Handwriting
Mississippi University for Women, Elementary Education Mississippi College, EdD I am a Mississippi native. I received my bachelor degree in elementary education in 2006.

Picayune 39466 · $45/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Writing - Literature
William Carey University, English William Carey University, MEd I am currently an English teacher for 8th through 12 the grade in a local public school. I have been teaching 3 years and have...

Benton 39039 · $45/hour · teaches American History - Psychology - World History -
HOLMES COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Psychology Hi! Tutoring is something I have not done in a few years and I honestly miss the experience! I've tutored mainly in history and science classes since most of my college courses...

Morton 39117 · $40/hour · teaches Psychology
Mississippi State University, Psychology Mississippi State University, Masters Hi! My name is Amber. I graduated from Mississippi State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology...

Columbus 39701 · $40/hour · teaches Music Theory - General Music
University of New Orleans, Music Composition Tulane University, Masters University of North Texas, PhD Dr. Richard M. holds degrees in composition from the University of New Orleans...

Goodman 39079 · $35/hour · teaches Phonics
BS Degree Mississippi Valley State, Speech Communication University of Mississippi-speech therapy, Masters Jackson state Univeristy, Masters Hi! I'm currently a speech language teacher...

Jackson 39211 · $60/hour · teaches Biology - Vocabulary - Grammar - Proofreading
Hinds Community College, Business Management My name is Emiya H. I’m a current freshman at Hinds Community College, majoring in business management. I graduated in the top 50 of my class with a 4.0 gpa and over 200...