Found 3 painting tutors in Ann Arbor, MI 48103.
Ann Arbor 48105 · 9 miles from downtown · $65/hour · teaches Art Theory
Since childhood I could be found toting crayons, paints, drawing supplies, or play clay. Creative energy might make itself present at any given moment! As a high schooler I specialized in hand-thrown pottery...
certifiedYpsilanti 48197 · 12 miles from 48103 · $50/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 -
I am passionate about learning, teaching, music, and painting. I am currently pursuing a masters of Pedagogy at the University of Lisbon. If you are in need of academic assistance and feel that I could be of help...
certifiedJackson 49203 · 28 miles from 48103 · $40/hour · teaches ACT English - Voice (Music)
I took drawing/painting courses for four years throughout high school and took drawing/concept classes with Ferris State University through my high school. I'm incredibly vibrant and enthusiastic about learning...