Found 333 photography tutors – page 1 of 34.

Johnson J. · Ph.D. in Medicine

Milwaukee 53202 · teaches Pharmacology, Photography, Physics, Physiology, PRAXIS

Dr. Johnson is a professor of online courses in Medicine, Health, Nursing, Allied Health, Professional Communication, Forensics, Natural Medicine, and Healthcare Informatics that he has taught for over 12 years.

Red Apple award Red Apple award, member for 10 years and 7 months
Kelly M.

Santa Barbara 93105 · $50/hour · teaches General Computer - Microsoft Word - Microsoft

University of Arizona, Art Education and Photography Academy of Art University (AAU), Masters Brooks Institute of Photography, Masters I have been a WyzAnt tutor since 2011 and am...

 is a certified tutor certified
Vernetta T.

Plano 75024 · $75/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop

COLLIN COLLEGE, Photography I taught digital photography basics thru advanced, food, street, and night photography, as well as Photoshop, at The University of Nevada Las Vegas for 4.5 years.

 is a certified tutor certified
Nicole H.

Hampton 37658 · $50/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop

BFA Parsons School of Design, undergrad Dear Parents and Students, As a photographer with many years of experience and a BFA in Photography, I have a lot of knowledge to share with you or your child.

 is a certified tutor certified
Don F.

Lincoln 68502 · $75/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Video Production

Brooks Institute of Photography, Photography BFA I am a graduate of the Brooks Institute of Photography, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Since graduating I have been working as a commercial photographer...

 is a certified tutor certified
Matt W.

Santa Barbara 93101 · $100/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Lightroom

Brooks Institute of Photography, Photography Hello, My name is Matt and I am a widely published professional photographer. Let me help you learn the language of photography...

 is a certified tutor certified
Aric A.

Vero Beach 32960 · $100/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop

Hobart College, Psychology Hartford Art School, Masters I believe we are all creative and strive to help each of my students reach their creative potential. My passion for photography...

 is a certified tutor certified
Scott C.

Cottonwood 86326 · $55/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Lightroom file formats, file management, and creative photo techniques for commercial and fine art purposes. I have been a self employed photographer and videographer for over 15 years, and have stayed on...

 is a certified tutor certified
Wes C.

Chicago 60660 · $400/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Art History - Adobe Lightroom -

Brooks Institute of Photography, Photography University of Miami, Masters My work on Wyzant specializes in teaching adult learners digital photography and Apple products.

 is a certified tutor certified
Mari H.

Astoria 11106 · $150/hour · teaches Adobe Lightroom

I got my training in photography from the Royal College of Art, London (with distinction), Columbia University, New York and the International Center of Photography, New York. I studied photography...

 is a certified tutor certified