Found 124 PHP tutors – page 8 of 13.
Nacogdoches 75961 · $40/hour · teaches Oracle - PHP - UNIX
Stephen F. Austin State University, Math and Physics Hello! I am Glenn and I look forward to meeting you. You obviously are a person who believes in the power of education and investing in yourself and I hope...

Burlington 08016 · $125/hour · teaches Desktop Publishing - PHP - JavaScript - Graphic
CUNY Baccalaureate Program, ADV Multimedia Interdisciplinary BMCC Borough Manhattan Community College, Other As an artist in New York City, I began my career as a graphic designer in 2004 with...

Jacksonville Beach 32250 · $55/hour · teaches Oracle - PHP
Thomas Edison State College, General Science Nova Southeastern, Masters I have a Masters from Nova Southeastern and a General Science degree from Thomas Edison State College.

Winchester 22601 · $42/hour · teaches Oracle - PHP - Visual Basic - JavaScript - Finite
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Computer Science Core Hours available: Mon-Wed, 10AM - 2:30 PM, Sat 10AM - 2:30PM. Scheduling Policy: Due to high student lesson requests, please allow me 48 hours...

Constable 12926 · $50/hour · teaches Computer Science - PHP - Data Science
Delta State University, Computer science Delta State University, Masters Hello! I'm a passionate tutor specializing in Computer Science, with a focus on programming and algorithms.

Rochester 14614 · $49/hour · teaches Microsoft Windows - PHP - UNIX - C# - Ruby - CSS
Rochester Institute of Technology, A.A.S. Computer Systems Engineering I have been working in the technology space since 2009, as both an IT professional and a programmer. I currently work as a Senior Programmer...

Oak Park 60302 · $69/hour · teaches Linux - PHP - UNIX - C# - Python - JavaScript -
University of Illinois at Chicago, Computer Science University of Illinois at Chicago, Masters I am a life-long Chicagoan who earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science at UIC.

Olympia 98501 · $60/hour · teaches Linux - PHP - CSS
University of Washington, Computer Engineering University of Washington, Masters I have over 8 years of full-time software development experience, plus some experience as a teaching assistant.

Waterford 48329 · $80/hour · teaches Perl - PHP - UNIX - Ruby
PUP Manila, Other I have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering and I have over 25 years of experience in Systems and Network Administration. Spent 5 years in teaching computer programming and digital electronics.

Twilight 25204 · $50/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - PHP
Wilkes Community College, Information Technology Wilkes Community College, Other Since 1994, I have had 18 years' experience with Photoshop. I created a website with my own tutorials that was tested...