Found 13493 physical science tutors – page 335 of 1350.

Mirza A.

New Delhi 100001 · $10/hour · teaches Physics, Science, Spelling, Study Skills

enrolled in university for bachelor degree in mechanical engineering 3rd year..

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 6 years and 8 months
Elizabeth B. · Masters in Physics and Astronomy

Pittsburgh 15218 · $80/hour · teaches Physical Chemistry, Physics, PRAXIS

I have over a decade of teaching experience, working with high school and college students. I have taught traditional high school classes, college lectures, college laboratories, homework help sessions...

member for 6 years and 7 months
Ashok Kumar M. · Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering

New York 10001 · $20/hour · teaches Science, Mechanical Engineering, Physics

Problem solving skills and especially how to approach difficult question (Physics K 12) is my primary focus. Lets change how you think Physics and Mathematics (calculus)

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 6 years and 7 months
Adnan S. · Bachelor in Physics

Islamabad 45710 · $35/hour · teaches Physics, Punjabi, Science, Thermodynamics

I am a graduate of Physics and have completed half of my Masters in Physics. Hello! I am formally serving as a Physics teacher since last 1.5 year teaching various college level classes.

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 6 years and 6 months
Sumit S. · High School in Maths

Paris 20130 · $10/hour · teaches Physics, Spelling, Statistics, Trigonometry

Sumit Saini is an online tutor from India. He specializes in math. He only charges $10 per hour. Feel free to contact Sumit through the form on your left.

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 6 years and 6 months
Christina H.

Mahwah 07430 · $20/hour · teaches Physics, Pre-Algebra, Reading, Science, Study

I am a straight-A student who has taken AP's in Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus thus far. I tutor students in chemistry through my club, chemistry club, of which I am vice president. I received 4's on all my AP exams.

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 6 years and 6 months
Mahmoud E. · Bachelor in Physics

Cairo 11835 · $15/hour · teaches Physics, Pre-Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Science

Mahmoud Elgendy is online tutor from Egypt. He specializes in higher math incl. Vector Calculus and Numerical Analysis.

member for 6 years and 5 months
Sahithi Y. · High School in Mathematics

Cupertino 95014 · $30/hour · teaches Science, Spelling, Statistics, Study Skills

Current taking AP Physics, AP Statistics, British Literature, AP French, AP Government, and AP Microeconomics. I would love to help out young students who are stuggling with subjects that I have already completed...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 6 years and 5 months
Zachary M. · Md/Phd Student major

Madison 53726 · $50/hour · teaches Physical Chemistry, Statistics, USMLE, Vector

I focus not on just teaching the material, but using the basic sciences as a tool to teach problem solving and critical thinking. I ask students to step out of their comfort zone, rely less on memorization...

member for 6 years and 5 months
Riya B. · Masters in Marketing

Sunnyvale 94087 · $30/hour · teaches Physics, Science, Spelling, Time Management

MBA in Marketing and Retail

member for 6 years and 5 months