Found 53 pitching tutors – page 6 of 6.

Wes S.

Hanover 03755 · $20/hour · teaches Archery, Pitching , Badminton, Elementary Math

Eagle Scout, Gee-Whiz-Kids Writing Contest Award Winner. A few libraries have given awards to my book that I authored. I do really well with children and teens! I love helping others any way I can.

member for 5 years and 4 months
Chris A. · High School degree

New York 10075 · $40/hour · teaches Elementary Reading, Pitching

Current senior set to graduate from gifted and talented high school (Hunter). Took AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Psychology, and AP Calculus. Received perfect 800 on Math Level 2 and Chemistry SAT subject tests.

member for 6 years and 2 months
Benjamin H. · Bachelor in In-Progress

Boston 02114 · $70/hour · teaches ACT, PSAT, SAT I, ACT English, ACT Science, ACT Math

Outside of education I’ve advised multi-million dollar startups on venture capital pitching, helped established businesses secure six-figure contracts by refining their message, sat on the board of directors for...

member for 7 years and 6 months