Found 2430 tutors in Port Washington, NY 11050 – page 177 of 243.
Howard Beach 11414 · 15 miles from 11050 · $20/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1
Went to Stuyvesant High School, currently a rising senior in New York University pursuing a B.S. in Chemistry and a joint minor in computer science and mathematics Hi, I am a rising senior in NYU, and I am comfortable...
member for 9 years and 10 monthsFort Lee 07024 · 15 miles from 11050 · $50/hour · teaches English, English as 2nd
15 years experience tutoring English ESL, also reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, speech, pronunciation, elocution, accent reduction, resume preparation, job interview techniques, American history...
member for 8 years and 12 monthsNew York 10025 · 15 miles from 11050 · $30/hour · teaches African Studies, American
I did my college thesis on the Nigerian civil war. When I'm not tutoring, I do history archival research. I am a history fanatic who will help with any kind of history -- Chinese, American, African, etc.
member for 8 years and 4 monthsNew York 10021 · 15 miles from 11050 · $40/hour · teaches Czech, Spelling, Vocabulary
I have 10+ years of experience tutoring Czech to both professionals and people needing Czech language for daily conversations, and coaching Czech pronunciation to singers. I am a native Czech speaker with a family...
member for 7 years and 12 monthsNew York 10065 · 15 miles from 11050 · $60/hour · teaches C#, Computer, Computer Basics
Computer Science, B.Sc, University of Pittsburgh, 2018-2020. Graduated after 2.5 years, way ahead of my class (class of 2022). Hello! I am a highly skilled backend software engineer, and have worked for companies...

New York 10065 · 15 miles from 11050 · $55/hour · teaches ADD-ADHD, Counseling
2 1/2 years experience tutoring all areas of Psychology and research in four NYC laboratories, including three poster presentations at local and international conferences.
member for 7 years and 7 monthsNew York 10065 · 15 miles from 11050 · $20/hour · teaches C#, C++, Computer, Computer
B.S. in Computer Science. 2350/2400 on SAT 2013
member for 6 years and 2 monthsNew York 10075 · 15 miles from 11050 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2
Current senior set to graduate from gifted and talented high school (Hunter). Took AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Psychology, and AP Calculus. Received perfect 800 on Math Level 2 and Chemistry SAT subject tests.
member for 6 years and 2 monthsNew York 10065 · 15 miles from 11050 · $25/hour · teaches Algebra, Geometry, Math
Honors Highschool Student I am an honors high school math student and can easily teach someone with confusion or who is unclear about directions. I can each elementary school, middle school, Algebra I or Geometry.
member for 5 years and 2 monthsBrooklyn 11218 · 20 miles from 11050 · $100/hour · teaches Music Theory - Ear Training -
The New School, Jazz Performance Brooklyn College, Masters I've been involved in music my whole life, as a performer, composer, producer, arranger and much more. My musical curiosity has led me...