Found 1969 probability tutors – page 8 of 197.

Habib D · Masters in Engieering Science

Leola 17540 · $30/hour · teaches Chess, Probability, Elementary Math, Elementary

Penn State Alumni with M.S degree in Engineering Science and Computer Info System in 1995. and being certified in Mentor Consultant in2008 Penn State University Park , Certified Professional Writer& Educational...

 is a certified tutorGreen Apple award Green Apple award, certified, member for 8 years and 4 months
David F.

La Jolla 92037 · $80/hour · teaches Statistics - Probability - Elementary Math -

degree in mathematical sciences (probability and statistics) from UCSB in 1985. I've received technical awards from various professional organizations and an honorary doctorate too.

 is a certified tutor certified
Jason C.

Brandon 33511 · $45/hour · teaches World History - Probability - ACT Math

Calculus and Statistics/probability are more dense subjects that require a little more planning in advance, so providing exactly what topic within those subjects you need help with will aid me in providing...

 is a certified tutor certified
Joel L.

Henderson 89015 · $50/hour · teaches Linear Algebra - Probability - ACT Math -

...Probability and Statistics, and Number Theory in high school and college. I have a B.S. Degree major in Mathematics which I earn in Adventist University, and coursework in M.S. Mathematics which I got...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ashleigh K.

Oviedo 32765 · $120/hour · teaches SAT Writing - Probability - ACT English - ACT Math

My course load has consisted of several intro biostatistics and epidemiology courses, a theory class in probability, a theory class in statistics, survival analyses, logistic analyses, and nonparametric statistics...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ivan B.

Southbury 06488 · $95/hour · teaches GRE - Probability - Business

Among the courses I teach are: Quantitative Methods & Analytics; Probability & Statistics, Operations & Supply Chain Management; International Business; Strategy & Innovation, Information Systems;

 is a certified tutor certified
John B.

Dayton 37321 · $40/hour · teaches GED - Probability - PSAT - ACT Math - Actuarial

I have also passed actuarial exams P (probability) and FM (financial math). In the year 2020, I was rated a top 10% tutor, with 75 different students and a top subject of Actuarial Science (Exams P and FM only).

 is a certified tutor certified
Uran C.

Kirksville 63501 · $30/hour · teaches Ecology - Probability - PSAT - ACT Math -

I have tutored mathematics, statistics and
probability, electronics, financial accounting and ethics for student solutions nearby California State University at Northridge, and another tutoring organization...

 is a certified tutor certified
Arghavan A.

Santa Clara 95054 · $100/hour · teaches C - Probability - C++ - MATLAB - Python - R -

I have strong background in machine learning and mathematics and my favorite subjects include data analysis, deep learning, statistics, and probability. I hold a MS and a PhD in Electrical Engineering...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ryan N.

Baltimore 21202 · $100/hour · teaches Linear Algebra - Probability - ACT Math -

mathematical statistics, statistical inference, biostatistics, machine learning, advanced probability), with ages ranging from young children to nontraditional adult students. I have also tutored statistical...

 is a certified tutor certified