Found 6044 programming tutors – page 12 of 605.

Dylan G.

Tigard 97223 · $50/hour · teaches Computer Programming - Python - C++ - Linux - PHP -

In college, I was also a student tutor, regularly assisting between 2-4 students a week with various programming projects. When tutoring students, I prefer letting the student set the goals of the session and...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kevin R.

Simi Valley 93063 · $40/hour · teaches American History - European History - Government

My rigorous academic training has equipped me with advanced research and data analysis skills, essential for developing and managing educational programs. During my time as a Graduate Research Assistant and Fellow at...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ron D.

Kent 44240 · $40/hour · teaches Computer Programming - Python - JavaScript - Web Design

I've also acted as mentor for various groups in areas of programming, electronics, and general making. This includes 3D printing and 3D model design, and I currently teach workshops several times each semester for...

 is a certified tutor certified
Carrie H.

Eure 27935 · $40/hour · teaches Elementary Math

I also have experience in developing study programs for challenging professional level exams and can help you tailor a study program if you plan to challenge an exam such as the SAT, GMAT or CPA.

 is a certified tutor certified
Scott S.

Austin 78735 · $40/hour · teaches Computer Programming - Python - C++ - Computer

Binghamton University, Mgmt. Info. Systems I'm Scott, a tutor who helps students learn to code in Java, C++, and Python. For college students, I focus on tutoring the CS 1 (intro to programming...

 is a certified tutor certified
Michael M.

Oviedo 32765 · $50/hour · teaches Computer Programming - Python - Computer Science

SSC, Computer Science My name is Michael and I started programming in 2007 because I wanted to create video games that brought my friends and family together. Through my projects, I've went on to earning...

 is a certified tutor certified
Tim W.

Rockville 20850 · $80/hour · teaches Computer Programming - Python - Computer Science

I initially tutored introductory level math classes, but have since moved on into my field of specialty which is now Computer Science, Programming, and Biology. I graduated from the University of Maryland...

 is a certified tutor certified
Nick B.

New Berlin 53151 · $35/hour · teaches Computer Programming - Python - Computer Science

While studying CS at my alma mater, I found it rewarding to explain programming problems and concepts to fellow students, and to help others gain a better understanding of whatever task was at hand.

 is a certified tutor certified
Ian M.

San Antonio 78215 · $40/hour · teaches Computer Programming - JavaScript - Web Design -

I'd describe myself as 90% self-taught. I started programming at the age of 13 and haven't looked back since. I have a primary focus on Web Development, but my formal education (partial college + coding school)...

 is a certified tutor certified
Shanika J.

Columbia 29210 · $50/hour · teaches Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Writing - English -

I've tutored privately through after school programs (grade level and collegiate). Tutoring has always been something I have enjoyed, and I look forward to working with this program and achieving great results!

 is a certified tutor certified