Found 53 proofreading tutors in Austin, TX 73301 – page 4 of 6.
Austin 78730 · 11 miles from downtown · $150/hour · teaches Physiology - Proofreading -
Hamilton College, Biology Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, MD American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Other Learning and sharing knowledge are my life.

Austin 78753 · 12 miles from downtown · $100/hour · teaches Literature - Proofreading -
PUCIT, Software Engineering Hello! My name is Haris I, and I hold a bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from the Punjab University College of Information Technology (PUCIT), graduating with a GPA of 3.42 and...

Austin 78758 · 12 miles from downtown · $50/hour · teaches Reading - Proofreading -
McMurry University, Early Childhood Ed. Texas State University, Masters My love of learning stems from knowing that educational success is directly linked to success later in life.

Austin 78737 · 13 miles from downtown · $60/hour · teaches Literature - Proofreading -
Knox College, English Literature University of North Texas, Graduate Coursework Howdy! My name is Lex, and I was raised just outside of Austin, TX. Growing up, I often found school frustrating due...

Pflugerville 78660 · 18 miles from 73301 · $100/hour · teaches ESL/ESOL - Proofreading
I provide proofreading / editing services as well and coach beginning teachers on classroom management and teaching techniques. What makes me an exceptional tutor is that I have dedication and a love for passing on...

Austin 78736 · 13 miles from downtown · $40/hour · teaches World History - Proofreading
Hampshire College, Humanities and Cultural Studies University of Rochester, Masters Oxford Seminars in TEFL, Other Currently an academic journal editor, I've most recently taught...

Austin 78753 · 12 miles from downtown · $45/hour · teaches English - Proofreading -
Upper Iowa Univerwity, Psychology I love writing. I taught middle and high school English (and other classes, including shop) as a substitute teacher for Austin Independent School District in Austin, Texas.

Austin 78759 · 13 miles from downtown · $75/hour · teaches English - Proofreading -
Johns Hopkins University, Public Health South University, Austin Master of Science in Physician Assistant, Masters Hello! My name is Serena and I have 6+ years of experience in college admissions...

Austin 78717 · 19 miles from downtown · $50/hour · teaches English - Proofreading
...and proofreading/editing. Over my years as an educator, I have accumulated a vast amount of engaging lessons and material that can help with all aspects of ELA learning. As far as my education is concerned...

Austin 78734 · 16 miles from downtown · $60/hour · teaches Literature - Proofreading -
Oxford House, Trinity Dip TEFL Kings College London, Masters ISE Hove School of Business, Graduate Coursework Hello! I am an elite TOEFL specialist that has helped hundreds of...