Found 5069 proofreading tutors – page 294 of 507.

Michelle C.

Littleton 80130 · $35/hour · teaches Literature - Proofreading - SAT Writing - Spelling

University of South Florida, English Literature University of Texas at Austin, Masters Hello, My name is Michelle, and I have 10 years of experience with learners of all ages.

 is a certified tutor certified
Kathy S.

North Hollywood 91602 · $75/hour · teaches Literature - Proofreading

University of Texas-Pan American, English University of Texas-Pan American, Masters Hi, I’m Kathy S My journey as a writer began with a discouraging remark from my high school guidance counselor...

 is a certified tutor certified
Pat S.

Clarkston 48346 · $100/hour · teaches SAT Math - Proofreading - ACT Math - IELTS

Kettering University (Formerly GMI), BS-Industrial Engineering University of Michigan, MBA With over 20 years of tutoring experience, I can help you succeed in many subjects including Algebra...

 is a certified tutor certified
Amy M.

Northampton 18067 · $54/hour · teaches Literature - Proofreading - Theater

Pennsylvania State University, English Com Ed My professional journey has been different than most. Traditionally I have a Bachelor of Science degree in English Eduction with a Minor in Theater from Pennsylvania...

 is a certified tutor certified
Janene J.

Austin 78750 · $60/hour · teaches Psychology - Proofreading - Career Development -

RN: Degrees: BSN and MSN with some extra course work in related content such as Ethics. Previous certif include Certified Thanatologist (specialization of mine), Trauma Care, Critical Incident Stress Mngt.

 is a certified tutor certified
Benjamin C.

Lake Zurich 60047 · $65/hour · teaches ESL/ESOL - Proofreading - TOEFL - ACT Reading -

Concordia University Chicago, Sec.Ed. - Social Sci Northeastern Illinois University, Masters I graduated from Concordia University Chicago with a B.A. degree in secondary education and social science...

 is a certified tutor certified
Callie E.

Larose 70373 · $25/hour · teaches Adobe Photoshop - Proofreading - Adobe Illustrator

Loyola University New Orleans, Graphic Design While pursuing a bachelor's degree in graphic design, my Writing about Literature professor recommended me to the university's tutoring center.

 is a certified tutor certified
Jonathan C.

Purcellville 20132 · $60/hour · teaches Literature - Proofreading

Patrick Henry College, Political Science As a Policy Advocate and Analyst in D.C., I regularly communicate with some of the most powerful people in the world. I have learned to use logical reasoning...

 is a certified tutor certified
Rachel G.

Chadron 69337 · $35/hour · teaches Literature - Proofreading - ACT Reading - ACT

Chadron State College, Secondary English Education I obtained a Bachelor's Degree in 7-12 English Education from an accredited college in 2018. I have been certified to teach in both Nebraska and Wyoming for...

 is a certified tutor certified
Laura B.

New York 10035 · $150/hour · teaches English - Proofreading - Elementary Math -

Ohio University, Music University of Tennessee, Masters Laura approaches learning with an interdisciplinary mindset who seeks to understand her clients' goals through a personalized and...

 is a certified tutor certified