Found 1509 PSAT tutors – page 53 of 151.

Crystal P.

Hialeah 33018 · $100/hour · teaches Physical Science - PSAT - ACT Reading - ACT English

Florida International University, Political Science FIU College of Law, J.D. I am a recent law school graduate, who has been tutoring students part-time for over seven years.

 is a certified tutor certified
Anthony G.

Chicago 60613 · $45/hour · teaches Psychology - PSAT

B.A. Northwestern University, Psychology M.S. Northwestern University, Enrolled Hello! ¡Hola! Olá! I am an experienced tutor with a background in health, sciences, social sciences, and languages!

 is a certified tutor certified
Nathaniel B.

Morgantown 26501 · $100/hour · teaches Probability - PSAT - Social Studies - ACT Math -

Manhattan College, Economics University of Alaska Fairbanks, Masters University Arkansas, PhD I am an Economics professor, with a PhD in economics, and Master's Degree focus...

 is a certified tutor certified
Jamie B.

Wayne 07470 · $180/hour · teaches GMAT - PSAT - ACT Math - ACT Science - Business -

Cornell, undergrad Cornell, MBA I have tutored dozens of students in SAT math, ACT math, Economics and high school math with excellent results. Additionally, I have also helped candidates working...

 is a certified tutor certified
Linda B.

Atlanta 30316 · $105/hour · teaches TOEFL - PSAT - SSAT - Social Studies - ACT Reading

Smith College, Psychology Goddard College, Masters As an undergraduate at Smith College, I majored in Psychology, minored in Philosophy, and took many courses is English Literature.

 is a certified tutor certified
Kristen L.

Saratoga Springs 12866 · $120/hour · teaches Ecology - PSAT - SSAT - ACT Reading - ACT

SUNY Albany, B.S. in Biology SUNY Albany, Masters Teaching has always been my passion. Since starting out in my first year at the University at Albany I took every and any teaching job I could get my...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ken P.

Chapel Hill 27517 · $75/hour · teaches GMAT - PSAT - ACT Reading - ACT English - ACT

Bates College, Economics University of Illinois, Masters M. I. T., Masters I'm a graduate of Bates College (B.A.), the University of Illinois (M.S.), and M.I.T. (M.

 is a certified tutor certified
Abigail W.

Hattiesburg 39401 · $99/hour · teaches SAT Reading - PSAT - ACT Reading - ACT English -

University of Alabama, History Hello! My name is Abigail and I have been tutoring ACT Prep for five years. I scored a 36 on the ACT in 2019 and have been working with clients ever since.

 is a certified tutor certified
David L.

Buffalo 14214 · $50/hour · teaches SAT Reading - PSAT - Computer Science

Brown University, Math, Comp. Science I have extensive tutoring experience in addition to a bachelor's degree. I will list my experience below. I have been tutoring since 8th grade, when I joined the math help...

 is a certified tutor certified
Don M.

Elkhart 46517 · $30/hour · teaches ASVAB - PSAT - Spelling - Elementary Math - ADHD -

Goshen College, Music Violin Indiana University at South Bend, Other Indiana University at South Bend, Masters As an educator for over twenty-five years, I have always believed that...

 is a certified tutor certified