Found 1509 PSAT tutors – page 83 of 151.

Luqman H.

Stanford 94305 · $75/hour · teaches Probability - PSAT - ACT Reading - ACT English -

Hiram College, Political Science and Computer Science Stanford University School of Medicine, MD University of California, Berkeley, PhD Greetings Students and Families!

 is a certified tutor certified
Rachel E.

Minneapolis 55401 · $69/hour · teaches GMAT - PSAT - Spelling - ACT Reading - ACT

Augsburg, Marketing and MIS Carlson School of Management, MBA Doctorate at St. Thomas University, EdD As an experienced professional with over twenty years of tutoring expertise...

 is a certified tutor certified
Christopher G.

Chicago 60606 · $000/hour · teaches SAT Reading - PSAT - Social Studies - ACT English -

TEST PREP: I obtained perfect scores on both the SAT and the ACT, as well as 99th percentile results on the PSAT, GRE, and LSAT. I aim to help students maximize their performance on test day through a combination of...

 is a certified tutor certified
Matthew R.

Washington 20009 · $60/hour · teaches Probability - PSAT - ACT Math - Elementary Math -

Vassar College, Biochemistry,Chinese Georgetown University School of Medicine, Enrolled Hello! My name is Matthew, and I'm currently a 4th year medical school student excited about tutoring!

 is a certified tutor certified
Dan L.

Rochester 14624 · $70/hour · teaches GMAT - PSAT - SSAT - ACT Reading - ACT English -

University of Rochester, Math-Stat, Economics I don't want to clutter you with the many subjects that I CAN teach. I want to tell you about the subject I'm an expert at: SAT and ACT.

 is a certified tutor certified
Lillian H.

College Station 77840 · $40/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - American History -

This also includes SAT and PSAT prep. I have experience working with kids with 504 plans and other learning challenges, and am open to learners. My clients have seen a drastic increase in grades, ranging from a B to...

 is a certified tutor certified
Amy M.

San Diego 92109 · $70/hour · teaches Study Skills - PSAT

S.U.N.Y. at Binghamton, English University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Graduate Coursework I am a certified teacher (Massachusetts certification) in High School English, having received this...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ansh A.

Philadelphia 19104 · $60/hour · teaches SAT Reading - PSAT - Spelling - Elementary

Drexel University, Biological Sciences Hi, my name is Ansh, and I am a senior working towards my Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences at Drexel University. I am part of the 4 + 4 combined medical school...

 is a certified tutor certified
Rhonda W.

Prairie Village 66208 · $38/hour · teaches Algebra 1 - Prealgebra - Spanish

I have successfully tutored 10 students in their PSAT with national merit scholar results. I have tutored literally hundreds of students in ACT prep work and seen major improvements in their scores.

 is a certified tutor certified
Anika C.

Hempstead 11549 · $45/hour · teaches Proofreading - PSAT - Spelling - Elementary Math -

Hofstra University, Neuroscience I'm currently a Neuroscience honors major at Hofstra looking to tutor Algebra 1 and 2, Biology, and ELA. I have tutored grades 5 - 8 and have been tutoring since my sophomore year...

 is a certified tutor certified