Found 1509 PSAT tutors – page 85 of 151.

Preshecca R.

Columbus 43235 · $35/hour · teaches Microbiology - PSAT - Spelling - ACT Reading - ACT

The University of Akron, Biomedical Science Hi, I'm Preshecca! I graduated from The University of Akron with an Honors BS Biomedical Science degree and Minor in Sociology in December 2024 and got accepted into...

 is a certified tutor certified
Ori H.

San Francisco 94103 · $110/hour · teaches TOEFL - PSAT - SSAT - Spelling - ACT Reading

Cornell University, Psychology University of Pennsylvania, Masters Hi! I'm Ori, a recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania in the Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences program.

 is a certified tutor certified
Kathryn L.

Irvine 92614 · $100/hour · teaches SAT Writing - PSAT - Spelling - ACT Reading - ACT

Pepperdine University, Philosophy, Business My name is Kathryn and I have been tutoring for nearly 12 years. When I was in 5th grade, my math teacher asked if I would be willing to tutor a 2nd grader.

 is a certified tutor certified
Micah S.

Clarksburg 20871 · $285/hour · teaches ASVAB - PSAT - ACT Math - ACT Science -

University of Maryland College Park, Zoology University of Maryland School of Medicine, MD University of Maryland School of Medicine, PhD Do you struggle with keeping up in your courses?

 is a certified tutor certified
Harrison C.

Knoxville 37934 · $105/hour · teaches SAT Writing - PSAT - ACT Reading - ACT English -

University of Central Florida, Summa Cum Laude, Biochemistry Want to improve your PSAT/SAT/ACT scores, but not sure how to start? I can help! With scores in the top 1% nationally on every section of the SAT, PSAT...

 is a certified tutor certified
Noah S.

Seattle 98105 · $50/hour · teaches Probability - PSAT - SSAT - ACT Reading - ACT

Stanford University, Biology University of Washington, PhD I am a recent graduate with degrees in biology and neuroscience. I love science, and math, but I never could have understood these subjects...

 is a certified tutor certified
Mary E.

Bartlesville 74006 · $120/hour · teaches SAT Writing - PSAT - SSAT - ACT English - ACT

Oklahoma Wesleyan University, Business and Math Ed University of Phoenix, Masters All students who work with me will receive free access to at least one online practice resource!

 is a certified tutor certified
Greg W.

Columbia 29212 · $50/hour · teaches Probability - PSAT - ACT Math - Genetics - Organic

The Citadel, Chemistry DePaul University, Masters Hi, I'm Greg. I began teaching chemistry and biology at the secondary school level after graduation from The Citadel in 1974.

 is a certified tutor certified
Keith M.

Wilmington 19801 · $55/hour · teaches Microbiology - PSAT - ACT Math - ACT Science -

Florida Atlantic University, Bioogy Princeton University, PhD As a Ph.D. biologist and current Assistant Professor at one of the largest medical schools in NJ, I bring a wealth of expertise...

 is a certified tutor certified
Alexa O.

New York 10029 · $115/hour · teaches Biochemistry - PSAT - ACT Science - Genetics

New York University, Biology Columbia University, Masters Columbia University, Enrolled Hi there! My name is Alexa, and I am a fourth year PhD Candidate studying molecular biology.

 is a certified tutor certified