Found 3011 psychology tutors – page 292 of 302.

Muhammad Umar R. · MD in Medicine

Reno 89512 · $30/hour · teaches Psychology, Public Speaking, Punjabi, Science

Hi, My name is Umar and I have passed all USMLE exams and now I am looking forward to share my knowledge and experience with other USMLE aspiring candidates. Please reach out to me for my services and we can work on...

member for 7 years and 8 months
JudyO · MD in Veterinary Medicine

Bloomington 47401 · $60/hour · teaches lgebra, Psychology, Science, Sculpture, Start-up

BS Biology, IU. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis Additional coursework in psychology, development and ceramic sculpture. As a veterinarian and artist with ADD and ODD, I specialize in empowering students...

member for 7 years and 7 months
Skye G.

Warwick 02888 · $15/hour · teaches History, Psychology, World History, Writing, Essay

Skye Garant is a young and inexpensive tutor specializing in English, Geography, History, Psychology, and Writing. Feel free to contact Skye through the form on your left.

member for 7 years and 2 months
Christian Shammami · Bachelor in BCN and BMS

Walled Lake 48390 · $45/hour · teaches Psychology, Reading, SAT I, SAT II, Science

Bachelor of Science in Biopsychology, Cognition, & Neuroscience (With Distinction) Bachelor of Science in Biomolecular Science (With Distinction) Contact at (2 48) 974-8023 My goal is to provide the greatest...

member for 6 years and 1 month
Danyal R.

Houston 77075 · teaches Presentation Skills, Psychology, Public Speaking, Punjabi

Danyal Rizvi specializes in math (algebra, differential equations, trig, applied math) sciences (biology and psychology) as well as SAT and ACT test prep. Feel free to contact Danyal through the form on your left.

member for 5 years and 9 months
Nisha A. · Masters in Computer Sc,Maths,Physics

New York 10003 · $30/hour · teaches Psychology, Resume Writing, Science, Sociology

We are a group of 3 graduates from the University of Trento majoring in Advanced Mathematics, Data Science and Experimental Physics. We have been teaching for the last 5 years (online for 4 years) and have helped...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 5 years and 5 months
Zinab B.

Toronto M5C · $30/hour · teaches Psychology, Resume Writing, Science, Spelling, Study

Additional information: -Available to teach grade 5 - 12 Science courses (biology, chemistry etc.) - Available to teach University courses including: biology, chemistry, microbiology, cell biology...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 5 years and 4 months
Angela C. · High School degree

Maracaibo 4001 · $10/hour · teaches Cognitive Psychology, Climate Modeling, Autism

Angela tutors music and psychology online via Zoom, Skype and WhatsApp. She charges only $10 per hour. Feel free to contact Angela through the form on your left.

member for 4 years and 7 months
Rajendra R. · Masters in Science

New Delhi 110009 · $15/hour · teaches Psychology, Reading, SAT I, SAT II, Science

i am a master in maths and science.i am a teacher with more than 19 years teaching experience in teaching mathematics and science i have: Sound Knowledge of Mathematics. i am : Engaging. Good Motivator.

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 4 years and 6 months
ClubZ! T. · MD degree

Carrollton 75011 · $45/hour · teaches Psychology, Reading, Risk Management, SAT I, SAT

Club Z! would love to help with all of your tutoring needs! Our tutors are highly qualified, and our programs are extremely effective in fact, so much so that our students see an average improvement of 2 letter grades...

member for 4 years and 2 months