Found 11026 reading tutors – page 507 of 1103.

Aaron C.

Macomb 48044 · $60/hour · teaches Reading - SAT Writing - ACT Reading - ACT

Concordia University Chicago, Psychology Oakland University, Masters The intended goals of any tutoring are to provide skills, awareness and knowledge that enable students to succeed in their...

 is a certified tutor certified
Kevin Q.

Irving 75063 · $14/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English - World History -

Texas A&M, BESC My name is Kevin. I'm one class away from earning my undergraduate degree in Bioenvironmental Science at Texas A and M, though I'm new to the tutoring business.

 is a certified tutor certified
Steve W.

Lynnwood 98036 · $87/hour · teaches Reading - SAT Writing - ACT Reading - ACT

Tufts University, History, English New York University School of Law, J.D. I have been tutoring full-time since 2015. I mostly work with high school students, though I also see middle school...

 is a certified tutor certified
Benjamin W.

Denver 80220 · $90/hour · teaches Reading - SAT Writing - GMAT - PSAT - ACT

University of Colorado at Denver, Biology University of Colorado at Denver, MBA University of Colorado at Boulder, J.D. I'm Ben, a long-time tutor who is a member of the American...

 is a certified tutor certified
Judy V.

Cary 27513 · $90/hour · teaches Reading - English - ESL/ESOL - Law - SAT Reading

University College, London, UK, French Universite Sorbonne Paris, France, Masters The College of WIlliam & Mary School of Law, Masters I am a licensed attorney who attended law...

 is a certified tutor certified
William B.

Pittsburgh 15217 · $80/hour · teaches Reading - Writing - English - ESL/ESOL -

St. John's College, Philosophy Relay Graduate School, Masters I am a teacher of eight years with experience teaching AP World History, AP European and U.S. History, AP World Literature...

 is a certified tutor certified
Zachary L.

Brooklyn 11217 · $90/hour · teaches Reading - SAT Writing - Linear Algebra -

Brown University, Mathematics My specialty is breaking down questions that may seem complex at first glance and making them accessible to everyone. I aim to impart understanding more than anything;

 is a certified tutor certified
Luis S.

Rohnert Park 94928 · $50/hour · teaches Reading - Spanish - Writing - English - SAT

Spanish Merchant Marine Academy/UCLA, Navigation-Philosoph Spain's Merchant Marine Academy, Masters Philosophy-UCBerkeley, Masters Born and raised in Spain, I attended...

 is a certified tutor certified

Englewood 80112 · $75/hour · teaches Reading - Physical Science - Probability - ACT

University of Colorado Boulder, BSEE, emphasis in CS University of Colorado Boulder (Stochastics, AI, Neuroscience), Graduate Coursework University of California San DIego (UCSD) --...

 is a certified tutor certified
Anne C.

Portland 97239 · $75/hour · teaches Reading - SAT Writing - ACT Reading - ACT

UC Davis, Molecular Biology UC Santa Barbara, Graduate Coursework Do you need to catch up on schoolwork, improve grades, or prepare for a test? I am available for online tutoring sessions.

 is a certified tutor certified